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"Blair! Blair!"

 "What?" I manage to say, as I stare into a mirror with my mouth wide open as I try to put mascara on. I fluff my dark hair in the mirror and look back at myself. I had decided on wearing a simple white t-shirt and tight, dark jeans. Well, this is as good as it is going to get. I apply a little chap stick so my lips no longer feel like a desert.

I have been waiting for Harry to haul ass and pick me up. He said he was on his way, but that was about fifteen minutes ago and he only lives about five minutes away. I guess it is better than him showing up when I am not ready to go at all.

Fizzy bounces into my room, her eyes wide. "Harry's here," she whispers. "He's here for you."

 I chuckle, as I grab my purse from the inside of my closet.

 "He's wearing a t-shirt." She told me with a sly grin.

 "He always wears a t-shirt." I retort.

 "Yeah but tonight it looks...extra nice." She winks at me. I swat at her, narrowly missing her. She only laughs and scurries out of the door.

 "Have fun!" She singsongs as she runs down the hall to her own room. I shake my head as I walk down the stairs. Harry and my father are having a chat in the foyer, and the conversation abruptly stops when I make my presence known. Harry's eyes dilate as he looks me up and down and I can't help but blush.

 "Hi," I greet Harry.

 "Hi," He clears his throat. "Ready to go?"

 I nod.

 "Now where exactly are you going, again?" My father asks.

 "Just a place on the other side of town. There's a pool competition," Harry answers smoothly.

 "Like swimming?"

"No, Connor, like with a pool table." I hear Jay call from the kitchen.

"Oh," my father coughs. "Have fun then, go shoot some balls."

"Dad," I groan. Harry latches onto my free hand. 

"I'll have her home by twelve," Harry says.

 I stare at him in awe. Promising a curfew is so out of character for Harry. Since when did he play the part of a doting boyfriend? Not going to lie, I kind of like it. I smile at him, and the corners of his mouth twitch upwards. I feel his thumb run across the tops of my knuckles.

 "Nonsense," my father says. "I trust you guys. Just have fun."

 I am pretty sure I look like that blinking guy gif as my father joins Jay in the kitchen. We walk out front and I lock the front door behind me. Harry waits patiently behind me, rocking on his heels with his hands joined behind his back. Harry opens the car door for me and I stare at him again.

 "What?" He asks waiting for me to get in.

 "Have you gone under a complete personality switch in the couple hours since you dropped me off?"

 "What? Why?"

 "You're actually acting...nice," I say with a laugh.

 Harry rolls his eyes. "Get in the fucking car."

 "That's the Harry I know," I say, smirking as I press a kiss to his cheek. He helps me into the car, before jogging to the other side. He pulls out of my drive way with ease, and we begin our drive. After a few minutes he reaches across the middle compartment and grabs my hand out of my lap.

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