Bitches in CVS

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I pushed eggs around on my plate. It was sickening; watching the two of them banter made me mildly want to throw up. It had been like this all morning, Eleanor and Louis jesting and laughing at each other. I sat at the head of the table, my eyes heavy with sleep, it was too early for this shit. 

"What happened?" Louis asks leaning forward. 

"I got kicked out of the dorms," Eleanor says as she shoves a forkful of pancake into her mouth. "Pissed of the administrator."

"What did you do?" Louis asks with excitement.

"Hacked her computer," Eleanor boasted. "She is running orientation and I made it so that when she would open the powerpoint, this one porno would play." 

Louis cracks a smile. "Sick," he says.

"I would have gotten away with it if fucking Jordan MacFarland hadn't walked in. That dick is such a fucking snitch." She shakes her head.

Louis smiles. "When I was at the school, I clogged all the toilets with toilet paper and flooded half the hallways."

"I drank out of a bottle of wine in class."

"I strung my ex-girlfriend's panties over all the trees in the courtyard."

"I put a frog in my roommate's bed." She tells us. "I hate that bitch."

Louis widens his eyes. "That's fucking awesome."

"Damn right! I stole it from the biology lab." Eleanor smiles smugly.

I stared at the two in utter befuddlement.

"This one time I made my friend drink his own vomit when he was drunk--"

"Okay!" I interrupt. "I am eating." 

Louis looks at me. "Oh, right, sorry. El, do you wanna see this website I've been programming?"

Eleanor smiles and follows him up the stairs, giggling girlishly. My mouth hangs open slightly. I finally snap out of my utter shock and return to my breakfast. My phone buzzes on the table, and I glance at the call notification on the screen. I shift the device in my hand and answer it. 


"Hey, babe." I hear Harry's voice greet through the phone. It is clear to me that he is probably in his car; I can hear car horns, and the telltale sound of a phone that is on speaker.

"What's up?" I ask, repositioning my phone on my shoulder so that I can bring my plate up to the sink. 

"Just heading into work, Ed needed someone to hold down the fort while he ran to a supplier meeting." He tells me. 

"That sounds thrilling," I joke. 

"As usual," he chuckles. "Plus, I wanted to see if you would come with me tonight?"

"Come with you where?" I ask, I head up the stairs to my room. I hear Louis and Eleanor geeking out about something down the hall and I just shake my head. 

"To the party tonight," he clarifies. 

"Oh," I mutter. "I kinda of have a guest over." 


"Eleanor, from orientation," I explain. "She needed a place to stay; and frankly, her and Louis have really hit it off."

"Just bring them too," Harry says through the phone. "I want you there." 

"Uh," I stutter. "All right, I will invite them." 

"Louis probably already knows about it, to be honest." Harry sighs. "So is that a yes? You'll go?"

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