Chapter 2

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(Riley's POV)

"Pizza's here!" I heard Orion's mom call up. I sprang up and ran downstairs. I heard Orion laugh at me. I grabbed a plate and got some pizza. Okay, at least half the pizza.

"Do your parents feed you?" Orion's mom joked. I laughed and nodded even though on the inside that kind of hurt. My parents didn't get me food. Whenever we ordered out they wouldn't ask me what I want. They just ignore me unless I'm doing something wrong that they can bitch at me about.

But, because of all the binge eating I do at Orion's, my stomach has yet to accommodate to the minuscule portions they feed me.

Orion came down the steps as I sat down at the kitchen table. He saw my plate and his eyes widened. When he walked by me he ruffled my hair.

"Stooooop!" I whined, fixing it back into place. He only does that to annoy me.

I watched as Orion grabbed his pizza. He was so tall. But, I was also a bit short, making a lot of people 'so tall'. He turned around and sat down next to me.

"What are you staring at?" Orion asked. I blushed, looked away, and took another bite of my pizza. Orion's mother walked out of the kitchen but not fast enough for me to not notice the strangely happy look she had. I mean, Orion's mom is a really happy chick but the look she had was just delirious.

I reached down for another piece of pizza but my plate was empty.

"How're you already done?" Orion questioned. I shrugged. He still had a piece left and had started with way less than me.

"Why do you eat so slow?" I teased. Orion rolled his eyes and grabbed his last piece. Just as he was about to bite it I yelled, "Wait! Can I have that?"

Orion held it out and shoved against my mouth. I grabbed a napkin and wiped off all the grease and pizza sauce. "Ass." I muttered. He smirked and bit into the slice.

"I'm a sexy ass." He said.

"Bitch please." I said and he laughed. Did I ever mention how beautiful his laugh is? It's weird. I just really adore it.

"Come on. Let's go back upstairs." Orion said, getting up. I got up and followed him to his room. We walked in and he shut the door.

"I'm so tired." Orion moaned. He flopped onto his bed and I flopped into his lap. He turned the TV on and then wrapped his arms around me. This, right here, has to be my favorite place in the world. It sounds so cheesy but it's so freaking true.

Orion doesn't judge me like everyone else. My parents constantly watch all of my movements and choices and tend to hate all of them. Orion doesn't hate what I do. He treats me like a human. I like him a lot because of that. He's really the only person I'm truly myself around.

I don't think he understands how much he's impacted me. I don't always show it. Sometimes I'm really unappreciative towards him. I don't know why he still manages to put up with me.

"What're you thinking about?" Orion asked. I shrugged. I felt him kiss the top of my head. I looked at the time. It was only 8:00 but I was still pretty tired.

"Would you get mad at me if I fell asleep this early?" I asked.

"I could never get mad at you." He spoke.

"I bet I'll ruin that statement at some point." I said with a yawn.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I ruin everything. I don't mean to, I just do."

"It's okay. Everything's gotta end at some point."

"Yeah," I snuggled into him more, "You're so warm."


"Yeah. You're like a giant, warm, body pillow."

"Woah." He said and I let out a little laugh. I turned around so my face was on his chest. I wrapped my arms around him and closed my eyes.

"Are you falling asleep on me?" Orion asked poking me. I nodded.

"Well ok. I guess I'll just watch you sleep." He said. As creepy as that sounded, since it came from him, I still liked it.

"Goodnight, babe." I heard Orion say. I think that if I wasn't so tired I would probably have a boner right now. Is that weird?


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