Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

(Orion's POV)

Riley's going to stay here for a week or two until he's ready to go home. My parents are okay with it. They love Riley. Tonight, he's sneaking back home to get his school stuff. I'm gonna come with him to make sure he's okay.

We walked across my backyard and through some others to get to his. Our hands were interlocked and the closer we got, the tighter Riley clenched onto me.

"You're going to break my hand." I said, only halfway joking.

"Sorry." He said, letting go of my hand completely.

"No! It's okay, as long as it's you." I said with a smirk, putting my hand back with his.

We finally stepped inside his backyard. The lights in the house were off and it wasn't late enough for bed but dark enough for lights so they probably weren't home. We snuck through the back door, Riley still had his key. We stepped inside and went up to his room. He got a bag and started to pack while I waited in the doorway.

"Just a thought, but I kind of wanna fuck you on my parents bed just to piss them off." Riley said out of the blue. I laughed so hard my sides hurt a bit. Riley smiled and awkwardly giggled.

"It wasn't that funny..." He said with a smile. But when he saw my face he started laughing like me too.

But it was all cut short by the sound of the front door opening. Riley's eyes got wide and he looked at me in total fear. He really did not want to see his parents. He started rushing to pack his clothes and ran in and out of the room to get other things like his toothbrush.

I could hear his parents downstairs doing whatever they do. Riley came back in his room and shoved his toothpaste into his bag. On his way back out the door though he tripped.

"Fuck!" He yelled and then he smacked his hand on top of his mouth. Large footsteps came up the stairs. They were coming closer to the door.

"Take off your pants." Riley said, he came over to me and just yanked them down. He took off all of his clothes and tackled me, butt naked, down to the floor as soon as his dad walked in.

"RILEY JAMES DAWSON!" He bellowed. Riley bit my lip and pulled it, sexily, before turning to look at his dad.

"Yes?" He asked, completely calm.

"Are you naked?" His dad asked. Riley sat up and looked at himself. I tried not to look at his dick but it was literally just right there.

"I think so." He said. Mr. Dawson's face turned red and he started to fume. Riley's mom appeared at the doorway. As soon as she saw the two of us she let out a scream.

"YOU FILTHY BOY GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" She yelled. She ran in the room and started to slap us away. Riley quickly grabbed his clothes and his bag before grabbing my hand and pulling me past his parents, and out of the room. We ran out the door and Riley stopped to put on his boxers before we sprinted back to my house.

We were laughing the whole way back.

"Dude! They were so pissed!" I commented.

"Yeah, it was hilarious though." He was right. I'm normally not into him pulling stuff like that but this time it was worth it.

We stepped inside my house and went up to my room, still laughing. We sat on my bed and I put my arm around Riley.

"I wanna set something on fire." Riley said. I pulled away from him and raised an eyebrow.

"You what?"

"I wanna set something on fire." He said again, getting up. He pulled a lighter out of his pocket and flicked it on and off.

"Let's go to the woods then." I said. I got up and we went downstairs. Riley was still messing with the lighter the whole way down.

"Be careful with that." I said. He rolled his eyes and put his arm over the flame.

"Riley!" I yelped. My hands hovered around his arm, I wanted to move it but I didn't want to accidentally knock it into the flame. He just laughed, turned it off, and put it away.

"Hey, wait, do you have any old dolls?" Riley asked. I nodded sheepishly. When I was little I used to play with barbies and baby dolls. A lot.

I led Riley down to my unfinished basement and went to the tub that held all my old dolls. I pulled off the lid exposing at least a hundred toys. Riley sniggered and grabbed two barbies. One of them was one of my favorites. He couldn't take that one.

"No, leave the black haired one." I said.

"Is that one your favorite?" Riley asked in a teasing tone. I blushed and nodded.

"Oh, well then we are so burning it." He said. He had that determined tone in his voice so I knew there was no point in arguing. He would manipulate me into letting him bring it anyway.

"Besides, your childhood is over. If I didn't love you I would set this whole bin alight right now."

"You love me?"

"You know what I mean." Riley bent down and grabbed a couple more and then ran back up the stairs. I followed him and we ran out of my house and down to the woods. We kept walking until we were pretty far in. Riley laid the dolls down side by side on the ground. He grabbed my favorite one first, pulled the lighter and burnt her face.

I just watched, in silence. He was destroying my past but there was nothing I could or wanted to do about it.

Riley took his time. Burning each doll in a different way while I watched silently. He had a weird smile on his face. He was a pyromaniac. When he set the last doll down he turned to me and said,

"I wish I could set you on fire."

"Give me the lighter." I held out my hand for it. He was getting out of hand.

"Maybe I'll set myself on fire." He said. He flicked the lighter on and brought it to the bottom of his shirt.

"Riley! Stop it! Give me the fucking lighter and we're going home now." I yelled. He flicked it off before his shirt could catch fire and handed me the lighter. He put his hands on my shoulder and lifted his mouth to the same level as my ear.

"Do you wanna know a secret?" He whispered.

"What is it Riley?" I said, a tad bit frustrated.

"I killed my sister."

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