Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

(Riley's POV)

The next morning I woke up in Blake's bedroom. We had ended up here so he could fuck me.

I don't regret it, but I'm not really proud of it either. Orion was supposed to be my first and vice versa. I didn't really expect us to do it though. We may have gotten pretty far but Orion would have wanted to wait until I could be considered his boyfriend.

I felt Blake stir next to me. He sat up and yawned. When he noticed me next to him he got a confused look on his face. I felt awkward as he lifted up the blankets to reveal my naked body. Blake looked at me, eyes wide.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! You're only 15 too! I'm way too old for you! I'm such a fuckin' perv." He rambled. I felt bad for him.

"It's okay. I don't mind," I said, "You were good. I liked it."

He groaned and got up. He found his boxers and pulled them on. I followed him and put mine on, too. We walked into the kitchen. I went to the fridge to grab milk for my cereal when Blake called out, "Jesus Christ, your back!"

"What?!" His sudden burst made me panic.

"You have bruises on your back!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah. I guess you're just rough when your drunk." Actually, I bruise easily so I'm not surprised he gave me some. He looked so frightened.

"Calm down." I soothed. I walked over to Blake and wrapped my arms around him. He was stiff.

"I... I just can't believe I did that to you. You're so tiny, too! You're like a little boy and I'm a fucking grown ass man!" He said. I giggled and hugged him tighter.

"Maybe we can try again later when you're sober, and it won't seem so bad." I half joked. I wouldn't mind trying again. Blake let out a breathy laugh. I pulled away from him and looked him in the eyes.

"It's no wonder I did you last night," He muttered, "You look like a freakin' angel."

I blushed and buried my head back into his chest. It was really comfortable. He was so warm and his skin was soft. I could have stayed here longer but I knew I couldn't. I pulled away and went back to my cereal.

I sat down at the table with my bowl. Blake sat down with a coffee across from me. I ate and he sipped. It was dead silent except for the occasional sound of our food. I wanted to say something to fill the silence but I couldn't think of a word to say.

Of course, my mind started to drift to Orion. I couldn't go a minute without thinking about him. What was he doing? Did he miss me? What if he's already moved on and found another person? I guess you could say that's what I've done, except moving on wouldn't be the right term.

"What are you thinking about?" Blake finally spoke. I've never told him about Orion.

"Who." I corrected.


"I'm thinking of a who." I said.

"Well then who is it?" He was so oblivious to the amount of pain I went through just thinking about him.

"This guy named Orion. Just wondering if he misses me like I do him." I said.

"You love him." He said plainly. I looked at him, eyes wide in surprise.

"I didn't say that-"

"But I know you do. And I bet he loves you, too. And you ran away from him because you were scared."

"How did you know?" I asked bewildered. I hadn't told him a thing about Orion but he still got the whole story correct.

"I'm really good at this." He said with a well deserving smug smile.

"I also know that what you did was selfish. He loves you and you just left him. You probably hurt him so much." He spoke up again. His words hit me pretty deep. He was right, I was being pretty selfish.

"How do you understand so well?" I asked.

"Same thing happened to me. With this girl I liked. She liked me, too. But she was afraid of commitment. We'd been together for about 2 years and then she just left. I came back to our house and all her stuff was gone. It was like she was never even there." He looked down at his coffee. He looked so sad. I reached my hand across the table and took his hand in a comforting squeeze.

All of sudden his head shot up with a look of pure horror on his face. "I slept with you a-and you loved someone else!"

I laughed and pulled my hand away from his to move my hair out of my face.

"Don't worry about it. That's in the past now." I said with a smile. Blake let out a breath and gave me a fake smile.

"Well, I know one things for sure. We're getting you back with Orion. And I want to meet him!"

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