Chapter 5

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(Orion's POV)

It's been a week since Riley left. He won't answer my calls or texts. I know he isn't home. He isn't at any of the places I've found him before. I'm really worried. I called the police and they said they'd keep an eye out for him but they know Riley. They hate him. They think he's just another hopeless delinquent.

But I know Riley. He's so much more than that. He's actually really nice, he just has trouble showing it. He gets scared when he gets close to people. I think that's why he turned on me. He's afraid everyone is out to hurt him. He doesn't want to lose anyone anymore. But that also makes him a good person. He can see people better than I can. He notices there actions and he analyzes what they mean. Unlike me. I can never realize people's true intentions.

"Orion? What's the answer to number 6?" I was snapped back into reality by the voice of my teacher. I forgot I was in Social Studies. I shrugged and she moved on to another student.

When the day ended I trudged home, disappointed. I didn't realize how boring school is without Riley. I kept having this urge to turn and talk to him only to be let down since he wasn't there.

When I got home I went straight to my room and tried to fall asleep. I didn't want to stay awake because then I would think about how much I missed Riley, but everytime I closed my eyes, I saw him and ended up thinking about him. I gave up and settled on doing homework. That worked a lot better. It was easier to focus all my attention on work then try to sleep and leave my mind open.

When I finished all my homework I went straight to studying. I did have a Spanish exam coming up soon.

In the middle of studying I realized how quiet it was and turned on my iPod. Of course one of the first songs to come on was one of Riley's favorites. I skipped it and yet again another one of his favorites played.

But they do say third times a charm, so I tried again. This time I was lucky and got a nice song that didn't remind me of Riley.


Basically, my whole week was spent studying. Riley is really my only friend so I had no one to talk to or hang out with. At lunch I sat alone but read a book to pass the time. People tried to talk to me sometimes but I sort of blew them off. I'm pretty sure I came off as a nerd and also as a rude one but I didn't care.

I also spent time preparing for what will happen when I see Riley. What if he doesn't want to talk to me? What if while he's away he meets someone else and actually puts a label on their relationship? So many thoughts were swimming through my mind. Majority of them made me want to puke.

But some of them were quite nice. Like one, where I imagined that when he came back he would finally decide he wanted to be with me. We could be boyfriend and boyfriend and the whole world would know. But then the darker side of me ruined that. The darker side of me made me realize he would never be up for that. We've been friends for almost four years and he's never mentioned anything about dating. Why would he change after one long absence? He's run away before, with no change.

All these thoughts are making my head ache.

I just hope he's ok.

Someone, just let me know, he's okay.

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