Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

(Riley's POV)

I had to tell Orion what I did. He needed to know. He needed to realize I'm not as perfect as he thinks I really am. I made a huge mistake. I'm destructive. I ruin beautiful things. I don't know why he can still even stand to be around me, I'm a sick human being. Even after I lit my house on fire, I still managed to become obsessed with it. I like to burn things. Watching my sister's body burn was... cool. I don't think I'm supposed to like stuff like that.

I never burned things while I was with Orion unless I really had to. It was my biggest secret. I barely admitted it to myself.

All these thoughts came to me while waiting for the bus with Orion.

School was a bore, but the few classes I had with Orion made it worth it to keep going.

The bus finally pulled up and we stepped inside. Orion and I took our seats near the back. As we pulled up to the school, I suddenly remembered why I hate this place so much.

We stepped out and walked to our lockers. They were in the same hallway but his was near the beginning of it. He stopped at his locker and I continued to walk towards mine. I arrived, put in my combo and grabbed the stuff I needed for my class. I looked at the clock in the hallway and sighed. Today was gonna be a long ass day.


When the final bell rang I could have cried. All day I was getting pounded with make up work and tests. It was terrible. Plus everyone was asking where I was. I just ignored them but they kept pestering me. I still didn't tell them though. It's not their business.

When I packed up I went to Orion's locker and waited for him. When he was done we walked to our bus. The rude back was long and the more I stared at Orion, the more I couldn't wait to get home so I could kiss him.

When the bus finally pulled up at our stop we hopped out and walked back to Orion's house.

"I can't wait until I get a car." He said. He hated riding the bus. We stepped up onto his porch and he pulled out his key to open the door. We stepped inside and I threw my book bag on the ground and took off my shoes. I ran to the couch and flopped on it face down.

"I thought it would never end." I groaned. Orion laughed. I felt him sit next to me and put his hand on my back.

"Did anyone bother you?" Orion asked. People picked on me but most of the time I ended up punching them. If you hurt me, I hurt you. Orion's never hurt me.

"No. But they all kept asking where I'd been."

"What'd you say?"

"That it wasn't any of their business."

"Well they're gonna try to make it theirs." He said getting up. I looked up at him and watched as he walked into the kitchen. I sat up and waited for him to come back. He finally walked back in with Oreos. He sat next to me and I cuddled up to his side.

"You're being sweet today." Orion said.

"I'm sweet everyday." I said.


"I am!" I exclaimed and he laughed. I smiled at him and he looked down at me. I pushed up and kissed him.

"I think I could stay with you awhile." I said quietly.

"Good." He said. I grabbed his hand and held it.

"Do you wanna go somewhere?" He asked, pulling away to look me in the eyes.

"Sure. But where?"

"Who cares." He said. I got up and he did too. We put on our shoes and walked out the door. We left in a random direction and just walked. But in the back of my mind I knew where I wanted to go.

We got closer and closer and eventually we made it. I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. Orion gave me a weird look and the door opened.

"Riley!" Blake looked happy to see me. He pulled me in for a hug and invited us in.

"Hello, Orion. How are you guys?" He asked. Orion smiled and I answered,

"Great. We got bored and just decided to drop by."

"Wonderful! I've been so lonely. No one at work really talks to me. I didn't realize how alone I am without you." Blake said. His eyes were bright, he was so happy to see me.

"That's terrible." I said, honestly. Blake was a nice person. Why wouldn't anyone talk to him?

"So, are you guys, like, a thing now?" He asked, sounding like the girls at my school. Orion's face went red. I laughed and shook my head no.

"Just friends." I said.

"Whatever you say." Blake said with a sly smile. Orion cleared his throat awkwardly and I just let out another laugh.

"Come sit down," Blake led us to his couch, "Are you hungry? Do you want anything to drink?"

"No thank you." Orion and I said at the same time.

"Okay, well, do you want to watch something on TV?"

"Whatever you want to watch." I said. Blake gave me an uncomfortable look and turned on the TV to a station I didn't recognize.

"Are you guys busy this Friday?" Blake asked. We shook our heads no.

"I have concert tickets. To see Dance Gavin Dance. I was gonna invite some people from work but I like you guys better. Wanna come?" Blake asked, a look of hope on his face.

"Of course." I said.

"Yeah, I'd love to go." Orion said.

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