Reveal the Remedy

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Harry couldn't get her out of his mind.

For a week, he had nothing else on his mind apart from Bella. He couldn't understand why but he couldn't take her smile out of his mind when he should be thinking about ways of how to get Meghan back. He couldn't understand why instead of checking in on his recent ex-girlfriend, he chose to ask his Personal Assistant to look for a woman named Bella from University of Oxford.

"Your Royal Highness." Troy, Harry's royal assistant, greeted politely and Harry looked up from his seat inside one of his parlour inside his apartment Kensington Palace. "I have the information you asked me to look for."

Harry nodded and beckoned Troy to come in; awaiting the information that the latter holds. Troy settled in the seat in front of Harry before opening the folder that he held. "Well, her name is Doctor Isabella Margaret Clarke, she had just recently finished her medical studies and research at University of Oxford thus, explaining the 'doctor' in her name. 26 years old, born on July 5th of the year 1993."

"Isn't she too young to be a doctor?" Harry piped in,

"Had been the top of her class ever since a young age, skipped 3 grades of middle school, 2 years of high school." Troy explained and Harry nodded. "She was rumored to have a photographic memory and the IQ of a genius." Troy breathed out. "Christ." He mumbled shocked of the accomplishments.

Harry blinked, shocked as well. He figured that he's 35 and she's 26- and she's a doctor. "She's a smart one then"

"She lives in Waybridge. Her parents are owners of Mary Mediatrix Medical Center on Southwark Steet. Doctor Clarke started her duties as doctor in MMMC yesterday."

"Wait. MMMC?" Harry cut off and Troy nodded . "We visit that for charity, do we?"

Troy blinked back at the prince before nodding in confirmation, "The Duchess of Cambridge do. Actually, she has a scheduled visit there next week."

"Next week?"

"Yes, Your Royal Highness." Troy said slowly, confirming. "May I ask, what's with the sudden interest with Doctor Clarke?"

Prince Harry smiled at his PA. "I would like to accompany Kate next week."


"I am free next week, am I? I want to accompany Kate." He repeated firmly and Troy nodded, taking down notes on his folder.

Doctor Isabella Margaret Clarke


Bella couldn't help but smile whenever she sees her name on her table. Doctor. Everybody calls her doctor now. She couldn't believe that at the age of 26, she'll be a doctor specializing as an OB/GYNE. She's on cloud nine.

"Bella?" a knock came on her door and Doctor Georgia Clarke, Bella's mother, peeked her head through the door and smiled at her daughter. "Are you busy?"

Bella shook her head and closed the folder of her first special case. "Come in, mom." She said standing up from her seat.

Georgia came in looking around Bella's office. "I hope everything is to your liking?"

"Of course, mom. You even gave me a coffee machine." Bella said walking over to her mother and kissing her on the cheek. "Thank you."

"Well, we all know how you are without coffee." Georgia laughed and looked at her daughter. "Such a beautiful woman, you are." She said cupping her daughter's face and smiling making Bella blush. "Anyway, I have a favor to ask of you."

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