First of Summer

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After stops in Johannesburg and Dubai, Bella finally breathed in the early morning atmosphere of Bangkok, Thailand. She smiled and looked around the airport, looking for her name on one of the placards people are holding.

"Doctor! Doctor!"

Bella looked behind her and saw Gina, Peter Piot's assistant, walking her way. "Hi Gina."

Gina sighed and smiled at Bella, "I was worried I won't find you. This airport can be hectic." She explained. "If I may?" she asked eyeing the trolley Bella is pushing.

"No. I can handle it." Bella said smiling at the assistant. "Do we have to rush? I would love to take a shower before anything else." She asked and Gina nodded before leading her to where their transport is.

"Mr. Piot wants the best for all the ambassadors." Gina said as she sat beside Bella inside the black sedan as they drove around the streets of Bangkok. "And your parents also requested a certain room for you."

"My parents?"

Gina nodded, "They rang us a few nights ago and requested that we fix whatever is necessary at whatever cost." She explained and Bella furrowed her eyebrows- unaware that her parents even knew of her plans. "They also asked help for your accommodation in Phi phi."

Not even bothering to ask anymore questions, Bella nodded. Surely, her parents had their way of knowing about her plans- or maybe Gemma told them. She thought referring to her assistant and so she shrugged and just eased her back on the leather seat.

After an hour due to traffic, they arrived at Grand Hyatt in Erawan, Bangkok. Bella paid no mind to it as she is already used to five star hotels and she's sure that her parents had the Suite ready for her but as they went in the hotel and she is led to the back pool, she is awed. There in the middle of a mini-urban oasis is a series of doors.

"Is this?" she asked Gina who looked at her with a smile. "Wow. It's beautiful."

"Only the best, doctor."

Bella is led inside and she smiled- I can live in this place. She thought looking around the spa cottage. "I should thank my parents." She commented out loud and Gina giggled from the door. "Please seat." She said referring to Gina. "It won't take me more than an hour."

Deciding to be simple, Bella dressed in a black fitting shirt, skinny jeans and flats. She pulled her hair up into a twist and did light make up before making her way out her room to see Gina sitting on the lounge watching television. "Oh. You're ready?" she asked the doctor who smiled at her and nodded.

"Is my outfit alright?" Bella asked turning around and Gina smiled.

"Just perfect."

Harry had a hard time escaping his PPO when he was young and would like to go to pubs alone- but it's harder- almost impossible- to escape his PPO when he's trying to go to another country- Thailand to be precise. "Well, are you sure you can go alone?" Prince Seeiso asked Prince Harry as they drove to Maseru Airport approximately 2 hours after Bella left. "You'll arrive in Bangkok 6 hours after Doctor Clarke. Will you be able to find her?"

"I know her hotel." Harry shrugged.

It is a reckless decision- and he involved Prince Seeiso in it. Prince Seeiso, on the other hand, is much willing to cooperate as he does like Doctor Clarke for Prince Harry. She's sane and level headed- as he would comment every time he would see Doctor Isabella Clarke.

"Just promise to be careful."

"I always am."

Bella smiled at the camera while her blood is being drawn and after that, she had to sign papers and do a conference with Mr. Peter Piot. She's not the only one being initiated as an ambassador today as there are a few others. There are a few celebrities representing their own countries, a few politicians, and a few doctors as well.

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