The Fight is Over

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"Henry Charles David, wilt thou have this woman to ty wedded wife, to lie together acording to God's law in the holy-"

"Please, turn it off." Bella said sighing and her mother quickly turned off the car stereo. She bit her bottom lip looking out her window. It still hurt, of course. The thought of Harry marrying someone else hurts her still even though it is the reality of life. We don't always get what we want but we do get what we need. She thought leaning her head on her window.

"Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honour her and keep her, in sickness and in health? And, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?" The archbishop asked Harry.

This is it. Two words. Just two words and everything is set for him. But, those words seem to be stuck in his mouth. The tranquil silence of Westminster Abbey became tense and yet Harry couldn't seem to speak. Seconds pass and still he stared at the archbishop.

"Harry?" he heard Meghan whisper beside him and he looked at her.

He couldn't imagine her as Bella. No. He couldn't live like that. He couldn't wake up everyday pretending that she's Isabella Clarke. He couldn't live everyday thinking that it would be Bella he would come home to or be with or share a life with. He couldn't pretend. He couldn't imagine waking up everyday feeling empty- dead. He couldn't imagine not seeing a glimpse of Bella anymore or even think about the possibility of being with her. And as much as he would love to be the pride of his family for once, he couldn't push the two words out of his mouth.

"Sir?" The archbishop then asked taking Harry's eyes away from Meghan and to him.

It's now or never for him. If he marry Meghan now, he wouldn't be able to be with Bella ever. He cannot treat Bella the way his daddy had been with Camilla. No. He couldn't do that to Bella and he also couldn't marry Meghan under false pretenses.

"I'm sorry." He suddenly said towards the archbishop and gasps are heard throughout the Abbey but he couldn't care less. He had made a lot of mistakes the past few months but he realized that making another one is not going to ever change it. And so, he turned towards Meghan who had an astounded look on her face; her mouth open in shock and it seemed that she hadn't processed what's happening yet.

Quite sure of his decisions, he held Meghan's hand. "I'm sorry but you deserve someone better; someone who can love you fully; as he is body and soul." He said and he can see tears filling her eyes. He didn't want to hurt her but doing that would mean sacrificing himself forever. "I truly apologize but we both deserve happiness in this world."

Harry can hear everyone whispering as he let go of Meghan's hand and started walking down the staircase. He saw William smiling at him and he smiled back before his walk turned into a sprint. "Harry!" He heard his father call and he looked at him- he's still the king, he couldn't disrespect him and, for a moment, he's scared that he will tell Harry to go back up there and marry Meghan but the king smiled.

"Thank you." He mouthed and continued his run out of the abbey.

Crowds screaming and cheering welcomed him when he got out and he quickly went over to one of the PPO's sedans waiting by Meghan and his car. "I need the car." He told the PPO who only gave him a confused look. "Give me the keys." He said and the PPO gave Harry the keys.

"Ah, the irony." Bella mumbled watching the rain fall hard outside the car as they parked in Heathrow Airport. She took the umbrellas at the back of the car and handed two towards her parents.

"So.." Her father said handing Bella her small carry on as they stood by the airport doors. "We'll see you there tomorrow.."

"Tomorrow evening, San Diego time."

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