We Kept it Hidden

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Bella is unusually pale as she sat behind her table after her consultations. She couldn't take Harry off her mind once again and she started doubting her going in Sentebale. It's difficult for her for Harry seem to still have feelings for her- he wouldn't go to your room if he doesn't and he looked so hurt. Her mind reasoned out and she sighed agitated as she threw her pen down on her table.

"Whoa there." Mike suddenly appeared sitting on the chair in front of Bella with two cups of coffee in his hand. "Do you have a hangover or something?"

She couldn't smile. She feels guilty for having to hurt Harry over and over again. "No." she said trying to give Mike a smile.

"Oh don't give me that kind of bullshit smile, Bella." He said laughing. "Come on, tell me."

"I don't know if I should."

Mike rolled his eyes, "I told the whole world that we're together to save you. I think you can trust me." He said but Bella remained quiet- unresponsive to his coaxes. "Fine. I'll start." He said after a while of silence. He trusts Bella- more than anyone else. Mike knows that Bella is probably going to be more accepting of him than anybody else. "I'm gay."

Bella is shocked at the revelation and looked at Mike suspiciously. "Don't lie."

"I really am." He laughed. "I knew since I was in medical school. I think the college boys converted me." He said in thought and Bella can only stare back at him wide eyed. "So seriously, I think me being gay and telling the world that we're together is something. I just lost my chances with the male population."

Laughing at his last comment, Bella shook her head. "I don't think saying something can make a difference."

"Saying that you're in love with Prince Harry?" Mike asked like it's such a normal question and Bella nodded slowly with a questioning look on her face. "I knew you were in love with him ever since I saw you two together on your first time here." He shrugged. "Well, I knew that the both of you were in love with each other. It's just the way you two look at each other- it's so electric yet warm.." he then trailed off getting lost in his thoughts. "I actually thought that you two would go for each other. I thought he'd make a move."

It was the painful smile that Bella gave out that made Mike gasp. "Did he..?" he trailed off questioning and Bella nodded. "Why didn't you?"

"It's more complicated than that, Mike." She answered.

"Which is? I don't think he'd think twice of leaving Meghan Markle for you any day." He said furrowing his eyebrows together. "Why didn't you?"

For a moment, Bella debated on telling him or not until finally, she sighed and realized that she needed someone to actually talk to about her condition who is not her parents. "I'm dying." She finally said- her voice barely above a whisper. "I have severe HCM."

Mike looked at Bella in shock. Bella, dying? He thought and the mere thought of it saddens him. "You're dying?" he repeated slowly- as if he hadn't heard it right the first time.

"I need to get surgery. I have a 40% chance surviving." She confirmed with a bitter smile. "This is why I couldn't be with Harry." She continued, her eyes suddenly getting filled with pain at the thought of it. "Even when he said that he will break up with Meghan, I couldn't bring myself to do it. He deserves so much better, Mike. He deserves someone who's sure about living until they're old. If this is what it takes to make him happy in the future, I am willing to sacrifice."

"But he loves you.." Mike trailed off and he fell silent as he studied Bella's face. He started noticing the difference; her face is filled with sadness and pain instead of the radiant, happy, and serene face he first met. Although, he observed, Bella hides it successfully by keeping up appearances and always smiling. "I'm sorry.." he trailed off looking away from Bella now. He understands her reasoning. Of course, she loves the man too much that she'd rather let him have someone healthy. She must be hurting so much. "Who knows of your condition?" he asked.

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