chapter 1

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I woke up later than I usually do I usually never wake up this late but I guess I was more tired than usual I stood up from the floor yes I know what you're thinking 'Jesus Christ why did she sleep on the floor' well since Ponyboy, Sodapop, and I all share a bed we can't all fit in there so it's usually the two who get in bed first get the bed and the last person sleeps on the floor I mean the floor ain't that bad and when I say floor I don't mean wood wood I mean blankets and pillows

I could sleep on the sofa but sometimes, once in a while someone from the gang might get boozed up or kicked out of there home and need a place to lay over so we leave our door open and it's always a surprise to see who decided to spend the night it's usually Steve once we even fond Tim Shepard on the sofa reading the paper and I wasn't let out of my room till he left

I stood up from the floor to see that ponyboy and sodapop where already us and at it I decided to get up I was wearing Darry's old T-shirt
I walked out the room not really cared about how I look

I walked into the living room to see the gang except Dallas sitting on the couch watching Mickey mouse Dallas was in the cooler for 90 days or so but darn I missed him but I couldn't tell the gang that the only ones I trust to tell the are ponyboy and sodapop if I told darry that I might as well be dead
When I told pony and soda I liked Dallas they weren't to happy with the idea of me having feeling for Dallas but I didn't choose to like him it just happened pony said Dallas my never love me the way I do but it's worth a shot

"Monin" I told the gang half asleep they ignored me because Mickey mouse was on TV darry was in the kitchen cooking up some breakfast for the gang "mornin' big guy" I told darry more awake now he was cooking up Scrabble eggs with toast and a slice of chocolate cake "Monin" he said back "hey go and change I dont like you walking around like that Infront of the gang" he told me I rolled my eyes at him "okay but save me some chocolate cake big guy don't let Steve of two-bit eat it all" I told darry he gave me a small smirk then I left to my room

He was always so protective of us but mainly ponyboy probably because he was the youngest he let soda and I run free sometimes

I walked back to my room to get changed I grabbed one of sodapop's old tees and some jeans with white Chuck Taylor's that matched the shirt I added a small hint of makeup im not like the other greaser girls that wear a but tone of eye makeup I add I little then walked out the room looking good and natural

I sat with the rest of the gang watching Mickey mouse till darry called all of us to come and have breakfast I say in between ponyboy and Johnny we where all hearing about one of two-bit's stories but I wasn't paying much attention I was thinking about Dally like I always do

Once breakfast was done darry, soda, and Steve left to work leaving ponyboy, Johnny, two-bit and I to clean up but it was mostly pony and I Johnny helped sometimes and two-bit never helped at all

"Alright kids come on hurry up"
two-bit told pony and I "well we'd get done quicker if you'd help" I told
two-bit "aw, shucks this house ain't messy" he replied I rolled my eyes and kept cleaning

Once ponyboy and I finished I ran back to my room and grabbed my books, my blade (you can never be too careful) and a pack of cigarettes and walked out to meet the boys in two-bits car pony and Johnny sat in the back while I sat in the passenger side

At school I don't have much friends the only people I talk to is two-bit, Johnny, pony and some the boys from Shepards gang but I don't like to talk to them that much all they ever talk about are rumbles, Tim Shepard, gang fights, Soc's, and how Tim talks about me they say he likes me but I really don't care much for him

The school day went by fast I didn't see ponyboy when I met up with
two-bit and Johnny "hey boys where's pony?" I asked them look around trying to find ponyboy seeing if he was on his way to the car "he left early and went to the movies" two-bit answered I turned back to him "oh okay then" I told two-bit and hopped in the car

The ride home was short we passed the time by two-bit telling us a story of a few days a go his incountor with a some socs down at the lot which almost ended with switchblades and a few bloody noses

once we got home I started cooking up lunch for when the boys come home and same as always two-bit was watching Mickey on TV and Johnny was right beside him pony still hadn't came back from the movies and darry, soda, and Steve were on there way home

Time flew by real fast and darry soda and Steve were off work and back home pony still wasn't home yet and I knew darry was gonna have a really good talk with him about leaving school early darry and Johnny were sitting on the couch watching TV and two-bit and Steve where smoking outside sodapop was with them but he wasn't smoking I was finishing up lunch when two-bit sticks his head in

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