chapter 3

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It was later that night I was sitting in bed finishing the last paper of homework I had pony was there too he was sitting on the messed up desk we have "Rub harder, Soda-" I heard Darry mumbling. "You're gonna put me to sleep." I turn to smile and shake my head at pony and continue with my work

It was getting pretty late but by this time soda came in and sat on the bed I and to us the restroom for a few seconds but by this time I was back sneaky soda had taken my spot in bed "sneaky soda, you took my spot" I said but I couldn't stay mad at him nobody can stay mad at soda it just impossible I've tried to be mad at soda but he always makes me grin
"You snooze​ you lose" he said giving me a big smile I let him take the bed

My eyes where almost closed when I hear sodapop telling pony to turn off the lights and go to sleep I couldn't sleep that well though so I just listened to pony and soda conversation which started "You cold, Ponyboy?" I heard sodapop ask him "A little;" you could hear sodapop putting his hand over ponyboy
He mumbled something drowsily. "Listen, kiddo, when Darry hollers at you... he don't mean nothin'. He's just got more worries than somebody his age ought to. Don't take him serious... you dig, Pony Don't let him bug you. He's really proud of you 'cause you're so brainy. It's just because you're the baby--- I mean, he loves you a lot. Savvy?"
"Sure," was all pony said

"How come you dropped out?" I was also curious about that question, when sodapop dropped out it was just out of nowhere he didn't tell us or even darry he just did it but we didn't question him for it

'Cause I'm dumb. The only things I was passing anyway were auto mechanics and gym."

"You're not dumb."

"Yeah, I am. Shut up and I'll tell you something. Don't tell Darry, though."


"I think I'm gonna marry Sandy. After she gets out of school and I get a better job and everything. I might wait till you get out of school, though. So I can still help Darry with the bills and stuff."

"Tuff enough. Wait till I get out, though, so you can keep Darry off my back."

"Don't be like that, kid. I told you he don't mean half of what he says..."

"You in love with Sandy? What's it like?"

"Hhhmmm." He sighed happily. "It's real nice."

That was the last thing they said to one another before I hears sodapop start snoring like he always does and I knew they where already fast asleep


I woke up the next morning to an empty room; sodapop had gone to work and ponyboy had met up with Johnny and Dallas so I had the room to myself I layed in bed for what seamed to be hours till I finally got up from the mattress I walked to the dresser and pulled out an outfit that was quite casual

I walked to the kitchen and nobody the TV was on in the living room so someone had to be here  I walked in to see two-bit watching Mickey mouse

"Hey two-bit" he turned his attention to me

"Hey sleepyhead" he told me

"Ready to get boozed" he said
Oh I forgot I was gonna get boozed up with two-bit but I wasn't really in the mood but I had nothing better to do with my life "oh yeah I almost forgot"
"It's alright, wanna go get breakfast first?"

"Yes, of course" I told him walking out to his car I got on as well and we headed to the closest DQ

Two-bit was telling jokes and stories till we got to the DQ  I didn't realize I had stayed quiet thinking of Dallas what was he doing right now ? Not that I really cared or whatever oh who am I kidding I really liked him

"What are you thinking about kid?" He asked me I turned my attention to him "nothing" I told him "let me take a guess kid, Dallas Winston?" He got it spot on but how "wait how did you..." He cut me off mid sentence "we all see the way y'all look at each other how you look at him and how he looks at you" my cheeks when red, I was blushing "what he don't look at me like that" I was sure of it "oh no ma'am he looks at you like your the prettiest thing he has ever seen"
"Oh please two-bit" I told him it wasn't true he just liked me as a friend that's all ......

"Hey we're here" he told me getting out of the vehicle I looked up at the DQ remembering someone I knew worked here but I couldn't pull my finger on who?

Two-bit and I walked it to see the girl who hates my guts..... Silvia..... Dallas is ex-girlfriend we locked eyes and I wasn't scared of her never have she was a full on bitch, she two times him when he's in jail she knew I liked Dallas and she hated me for it "oh man wanna go I don't want to see you get into a fight with Silvia she's not worth it kid" he told me I shook my head left to right NO

We got to the counter to order our food and Silvia was behind the register "WHAT THE HELL DO Y'ALL WANT ?" she told us I hated her just as much as she hated me "now that's now way to talk to your costumers now is it" I mocked her "stop it" two-bit told me "WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE YOU NEVER EAT HERE ANYWAYS" she told me she was mad I was here and I'll I wanted to do was have breakfast "Jesus Christ your still a bitch even after you two times Dallas while he was locked up"

"SHUT THE HELL YUP MARRY YOU DONT UNDERSTAND SHIT AD HES STILL LOCKED UP" I was  starting to get mad she was boiling my blood "ARE YOU STUPID HES OUT HE TOLD ME YOU TWO TIMES HE AGAIN YOU KNOW I DONT KNOW WHAT HE SEAS IN A WHORE LIKE YOU" and with that she jumped over the counter  throwing the first punch

she was weak and it didn't hurt that much I threw two more punches that nocked her to the floor i kicked her in the stomach like 6 or 7 times before two-bit pulled me away

"Marry stop it kid!" He said a few men came to help Silvia up and two-bit let me go "YOU STUPID BITCH" She told me spiting at me

I ran to her grabbed her hair and slammed her face into the wall tears ran down her face but she got up throwing two more punches; this girl never gave up,  she got me once and my lip was busted I knew that for sure she missed the second punch I grabbed her by her stomach and picked her to the wall as she was punching my head I let go of her and she got me good in the face I punched her with all I had making her go back down on the ground

"No, MARRY STOP" I heard two-bit in the background yell but I didn't care I was pissed.

I was on top of Silvia punching he with all my might and was bleeding she hit me a couple times trying to flip us over but I didn't let her finally I felt two-bits grab pulling me off of her she was on the ground bleeding she tried to stand up but she was too weak two-bit dragged me out of the DQ and into his car "WHAT THE HELL WORE YOU THINKING HUH?" He scolded me "WHAT SHE STARTED IT" I yelled back at him his face expression changed "that was a darn good fight!" It surprised me he wasn't really mad

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