chapter 13

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The room was dark and I can't see a single thing.

where was I?

where's Dallas?

why did they take me?

who took me?

why am I here?

There was still tape over my mouth, but I screamed over the tape hopefully someone could hear me then again hopefully no one could hear me but it was too late for that. The door opened right in front of my face Revealing Light from the outside world and a man standing right in front of it. I couldn't see his face at first the light was covering it. Then he spoke "Hey princess." It sounded deep and familiar very familiar I looked up and I recognize who it was
"what the hell Shepherd? Is this some kind of trick let me go jackass!" I yelled at him after they took the tape off my mouth to let me lose but him being and obsessive freak that he is not a chance in hell does he ever let me lose "wow such ugly words and such beautiful mouth!" He told me grabbing a chair from the corner that I didn't even see was their.he pulled it up and sat right in front of me.

He was lucky I didn't spit in his face. Because I would have  "okay whatever. What the hell do you want shepeard?" I asked him looking right at his eyes


Dallas Winston's P.O.V:

"Once again go to hell!" Chery said going to sit in her car. I turned to look at Mary hoping to make her smile but she wasn't their. I saw her in the distance walking my her lonesome. Heading home
Damnit. So making her jealous doesn't work!

I started walking hoping to catch up with her. In the distance i see a van pulling up right behind her, my first instinct it to speed up because if anything ever happened to her i would never forgive myself.

I saw the van slow down till it came to a sudden stop. I looked at marry who had no idea she was zoned out she didn't even notice anyone behind her. Now instead of fast walking i was running but the more i ran the faster time went it felt like i was never gonna get to her on time. Their were three guys that got off the van and went straight for Mary they start to grab her "GET Off OF ME. DALLAS. DALLAS. DALLAS" I hear her yell for me but I'm too late before I could even touch the van they threw mary inside and drove off.

I continued running after the van hoping just hoping i could stop them some way, But I couldn't. I kept running till my legs gave out. i crashed on the road hitting it multiple times

Im an idiot why was i so stupid if only i just stopped!

I raised my head before any tears stared to come down my face. I got up in a flash and ran back to the gang who had also seen what just happened they all stayed in shock no one moved a muscle I turned to cherry who had also seen everything "get out" I told her in a harsh tone. She quickly with no questions got out of the car giving me the keys to get in. I turned on the engine which gave out a huge roar pressing down on the acceleration racing after the white van that took Mary. 

I drove down Tulsa street possibly going 100 miles per hour, not caring who or what was in my way all i cared about at that point was getting Mary and know who's the sick motherfucker that took her, and I think I have an idea of the sick freak it was! I drove down the Tulsa rode hoping to catch up to the van. I drove down the same rode as it once did but it was like it magically disappeared just vanished into thin air I kept driving worry in my chest and tears forming in my eyes. I pulled over on the side of the rode getting off the car I didn't see the van anywhere. 

Their was a women just standing this she looked around mid 40's early 50's fixing her small shop. I quickly ran to her making her jump when I touched her shoulder she quickly turned  and looked at me " yes can i help you?'' she asked harshly but  then again I make her jump. her face expression quickly changed after seeing how worried I am. "have you seen a white van pass through here?"

she shook her head 'no' and quickly turned around i ran up to a guy and his girl ''have you guys seen a white van pass threw here?'' and once again the same answer 'no' i ran up to a different guy he looked like a bloody soc ''have you seen a white van?'' I asked him desperately he just stared like if i had just killed his entire family "get the hell out of here you fucking soc no I haven't see a fucking white van you dirty greaser!" my blood was boiling even before that comment but I exploded throwing several punches knocking down that damn soc. 

I ran back to Cherry's car getting in and hitting the steering wheal multiple times tears where forming in my eyes but I wasn't going to let any one see me cry so taking a few deep breaths in and releasing I got my shit together before starting the engine and driving back to the lot. 

I pulled up at the lot grated my the gang and cherry valence. I stepped out of the car and everyone from the gang surrounded me with questions after questions 

"did you find Her?'' 

"did you see who took her?" 

"where is she?" 

"should we call the cops?'' 

"what now?"  

Out of all those question and I didn't hear a single one my mind was spinning with whats gonna happen now. I turned to look at the gang "Shut the hell up all of you!'' I yelled at them " cherry go home this is a Family issue!'' I told her she didn't leave she stood their " I want to make sure shes okay! and your not really family!" she didn't compare to Mary in any way shape or form she dint even come close to comparing Mary is everything. "yeah alright whatever!'' I told her not caring anymore if she was around or not.  

I turned back to the gang "I think it was that damn soc the one she brought home yesterday night what the hell was his name?"                                                                                                "david?" Steve spat out "yeah that right! Cherry your a soc you know a so called David?"   

Having Dallas Winston's baby (Curtis sister)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin