chapter 16

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I heald my leg untill I reached the gate to my house.
"DARRY!! DALLAS!!! SODA!!" I yelled for them. My leg gave out once more making me crashed on the concrete floor. My hole world when into total darkness.

*Dallas winston P.O.V*

My heart was racing. I couldn't take it anymore everyone else was looking for her except me, and why you may ask because Tim thought it was a better idea if I stayed here to calm down but it wasn't working. I feel more worried i just wanted to find her and hold her and never let her go

I was passing in the living room hoping to get a call from sodapop or two-bit but nothing it felt like my whole world was being flipped upside down. Until i heard a familiar cry "DARRY!! DALLAS!!! SODA!!!" I was out the door in seconds.

I saw mary holding on to her bleeding leg, callapsed on the floor. I grabbed her bringing her close to my chest. "HEEEELP!!!!" I yelled from the top on my lungs but nothing "HELP SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!" I yelled again. Nothing...

I carried Mary inside and lied her on the couch I ran to the phone and called an ambulance.

"yeah hello I need an ambulance here like right now my ......... Uhm......... Friend got shot in the leg I don't know who shot her I just found her outside please I just need someone here like right now!!!"

"Okays sir calm down theirs someone on their way right now-"



I sat in the waiting room hoping a doctor or someone would come with news but nothing.
My shirt was partly covered in marys blood but I didn't care. 

I looked up to see everyone in the waiting room just scoot farther from me holding their bags close to their chest. I wasn't gonna jump them if I wanted to I'd do it in the parking lot.

"Dallas Winston?" I sprung up from my seat hoping to see a nurse or doctor but to my disappointment it was just Darry,  Shepard and the rest if the gang.

"Wow calm down winston just us has the doc-" Tim grinded at me while slapping my back "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" Darry cut him off while grabbing my caller and bringing me close so to him so our faces were inches apart.

I quickly pushed him off me making him land right in a chair. "Get off of me curtis what the fuck is you problem man?"

"I'ma ask you again .WHAT. THE. FUCK. HAPPEND?" He stood up getting closer to me once again.

"I. DON'T. FUCKING. KNOW. I just heard telling and she was at the steps, he leg was bleeding it looked like someone shot her so I called an ambulance that's it." I said pushing him away from me.

"WAIT WHAT SHE GOT SHOT?!?!" Shepard asked son total confusion "That wasn't suppose to happen!" He whispered quietly to himself. I realized nobody else heard that comment besides me. I turned to him confused did he know something about the kidnapping?

"WHAT the hell did you say Shepherd? did you know about this?"
I walked over to him getting close just how Darry did.

"what are you talking about?-"
"no. no. no. I'm just saying it wasn't supposed to be like this. you understand? what I mean is none of this was supposed to happen Dallas." He sounded unsure but I didn't think much of it because he did help us try to find her. 

I turned and walked to the open seat next to sodapop not taking my eyes off Shepard.

We waited in the waiting room for 2 hours until "Curtis?" We heard a female voice say and everyone jumped out of their seats and rushed to her I thought they were going to trample her but nope.

"Yeah thats us!" Darry and I said at the same time "Okay??.... Well shes awake and the bullets out so if you want to go see her your welcome too she's in room 301!" She said and left. I instantly walked to find her room.

I was walking so fast I was practically running. "Wow dallas slow down!" Darry said grabbing my shoulder I pushed it off, and walked into room 301.

My heart instantly skipped a beat when I saw Mary sitting on the side on the bed.she looked up at me wide eyed. It felt like we were staring at each other for hours but it was only a couple seconds before she broke eye contact and turned to look at the rest of the gang.

Shepard was at the door it as if he didn't want to come in which was kinda weird if you ask me cuz that man is obsessed with her.

Two-bit and steve both grabbed him playfully and pulled him into the room "awe common man!" "Common in she don't bite! Well not most times!"

The second Shepard was right in front of mary all hell broke lose!

"WHAT THE FUCK! WHAT THE FUCK! IS THE MATTER WITH YOU! YOU Sick FUCK! YOU TOOK ME! HE TOOK ME, AND ONE OF HIS MEN SHOT ME. I'M NOT YOUR AND I WILL NEVER BE YOURS, GET THAT THREW YOUR HEAD YOU ASSHOLE!!!!!" Mary yelled and trowing books and even the vase next to her. Tears streaming down her face.

I was confused just as much as everyone else was I turned to Shepard he was speechless.

Was all this true?
Did he take her?

I didn't have time to think and my emotions took over I grabbed Shepard by the neck, dragging him to the hall way I chocked him and slammed his head into the wall.

Seconds after the incident two big guys carried me and shepared out to the parking lot to finish out business

"I'MA GONNA KILL YOU!!" I ran to him screaming tackling him on the floor and punching him repeatedly over and over and over again my fists will bloody and my hands are starting  to get numb!

"Your gonna kill him dallas!" I heard sodapop yell he grabbed my holder hinting that was enough.

But to me it wasn't.

I pushed Sodapop off and continued.

"Okay dallas! DAL! DALLAS THATS ENOUGHT!!!!!" Darry said pulling me off him "HE'S NOT WORTH YOUR PAIN!!"

"YEAH BUT SHE IS!" I yelled at him and walked back into the hospital room to go and see Mary.

Holy shit she does things to me that I never thought I could ever feel for someone!

I walked into her room to see she was looking at her wound but it had been covered up by Band-Aids already "Don't touch that it'll hurt" I said startling her she quickly looked up and gave me a smile which instantly turned into a face of concern "what the hell happened to your hands?"

"Oh this it's nothing. don't, don't worry about it. how you holding up?"
I asked her sitting in a chair next to her bed "That doesn't look like nothing?" She questioned holding my face with one hand "okay i kinda went to go and woop Shepard's ass!" I told her looking down at my hands they were extremely bloody!

"Hell yeah good job!" She smiled raising her hand for a high-five which I gave her. Her smile was infectious. Everything about her was perfect!

I felt a presence behind me and quickly turned around to see it was Darry right outside the door his arms were crossed and he looked and me then at mary and back at me he didn't say a thing he just gave us a smirk and walked off! And with that I knew he was fine with mary and me...

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