chapter 5

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I walked a little further from the drive in movie, the streets where alone Tulsa looked like a ghost town no sign of dallas anywhere until I turned the corner to see a man walk by himself he was smoking a cigarette and it kinda looked like Dallas from behind I yelled out "DALLAS WINSTON?" the man stopped and turned around and we made eye contact it was dally he was smirking at me

We walked twords each other

"I didn't think I'd find you in this ghost town Dallas"I told him "yeah, but you did sweetheart" was his only reply we walked together for a while "I came to warn you about sheperds gang. Did u slash Tim's tiers?" I asked him walking with him to wherever he was going "let's just say I 'accidentally' slashed his tier and may have 'accidentally' got cought my curly sheperd it was just a small joke" he told me as if it were okay to do it  "dally that's not a joke you don't play like that, that cost money you know that" I told him "oh well" he told me not caring about anything I just said

"Wait where you headed?'' I asked him trying to make conversation but Dallas didn't reply "okay then. Can I guess?" I question at Dallas trying to turn this into a little game but he didn't reply he just looked at me and smiled "the lot?" I questioned he shook his head 'no' "okay. What about-" Dallas stopped and cut me off with a worried expression on his face "what happened to you?!?!" He asked me cupping my face..... worried
But his hands send shivers down my spine "what this?" I said pointing at my bruised and cut lip ready to tell Dallas the story of how I got in a fight today at the DQ with his ex-girlfriend "so funny story twobit and I went for breakfast at the DQ-" I got cut off again by Dallas "Was it Silvia?" He asked me pissed like I've seen Dallas mad but never this mad and boy was I scarred

"Maybe...but I won. Dallas so thats good news I left her 10x worse!" I said proud of myself for what I did earlier "but why?" He sounded upset "she was telling me stuff so I busted her " I exclaimed "like what?" He asked "stuff"

We stopped walking and faces each other "like what?" He asked getting a little closer to my face and i stopped breathing Dallas literally took my breath away and I felt my heart beating so fast "do you really want to know Dallas?" I said in an intimidating voice getting closer to his face now out lips were millimeters apart "yes, I do want to know sweetheart!"

"We were fighting about you! And how she two timed you while you where in jail.......she hates me because............ because I love you!" I exclaimed ready to get rejected but his reaction was strange and amazing

Once those words left my mouth then his lips met mine and we kissed which sent shivers down my spine my heart beating out if my chest out lips moving perfectly together as if we belonged our tongues where at battle my arms where around his neck and his where around my waist I didn't want to let go untill I heard a familiar voice that spoke

"Well, well, well if it isn't Dallas Winston, and the beautiful Maryanne Curtis. Well hello love I see u locking lips with dally huh? Isn't that going to be news for big brother darry?" I turned to see none other than Tim sheperds and his gang

Dallas moved me right behind him"stay behind me" he told me  "what do ya want sheperd?" He said sounding pretty mad "well ya know u did slash my tier and now you locking lips with the love of my life. No no no we got to fix that!" He said getting closer to dally and I

"Love of your life?-" I questioned "shut the hell up sheperd" I said starting to get mad a little bit

There had always been rumors that sheperd had a crazy obsession with me the whole town said it so that's why I could never walk alone I leave the house without some darry said that but the gang never really paid much attention to it so they left me run Free but they where very protective when he came around it was like I had 7 brothers instead of 3

"Awwww still the same aren't you love?" He said "shut up sheperd!" Dally told him getting closer to them ready to fight

That's what you would see on a regular basis fight and fight and fight 

"Or what?!"
And with that the first punch was thrown by Dallas

Dallas had it under control at the beginning but he had 7 or 8 guy on him and he was quickly on the ground bleeding and I felt some guys grab me by my arms not letting me leave; two of tims guys "let go what he hell!" I told them trying to break free
"DALLAS!" I yelled trying to get help but he was on the ground he turned to me his face all cut up

They stopped punching Dallas and Tim went to go and grab him by his collar with one hand leaving the other one free "no Tim leave him please! You guys are friends common Tim please just leave him.COMMON SHEPPARD LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I think a few tears left my eyes "sorry love he's got to learn a lesson!" He told me
"And what is that lesson huh? Don't slash my tiers!" I told him hoping he would have pitty and leave Dallas alone "nope. It's don't touch what I love!" And Tim sheperds fists crashed with Dallas face making me scream but I couldn't do anything but watch Tim's guys had me in a lock

Dallas face was bleeding badly but sheperd didn't stop he just kept going and going and all I did was sit their and watch watch how the guy I love so much get beat up

It felt like hrs had passes when Tim sheperd and his gang had finished "teaching Dallas a lesson" once they where gone I quickly ran over to Dallas I saw how his face was all cut up and bruised "oh my God dallas!" I said holding back more tears than I has already let go

He didn't say a word but I knew I had to take him somewhere

I grabbed Dallas and tried to pick him us but he was heavier than I am "common help me Dallas pls" I told him "your gonna be okay" I kept trying to keep it positive "I'ma take you home and fix u their"
"No...." Was the only thing he said
"Then where Dallas I can't fix u up here?"
"Buck...." I barely heard him but I knew where to go
"Okay then......" And we where off to buck merrill's

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