Chapter 14

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Dallas Winston POV.

We pulled up at the so called Davids house. He lived in a rich area of course he was a soc anyways. The gang exited out of the Cherry car making their way to the front steps of Davids house hopefully it was the right David his name isn't very uncommon. "I don't think this is a very good idea.." Cherry exclaimed I turned to look at her dead in the eyes "If you don't like it sweetheart just stay in the car or leave we don't need you here!" I Blatantly told her "wow Dallas calm down its not her fault!" Two-bit said defending her I to him giving him a glare saying 'shut your mouth!' Cherry stayed behind us not leaving even though I wished she did. 

Sodapop knocked on the door and in seconds the door opened reveling the guy that tried to get my girl! I pushed threw the doors graving his caller entering his house " WHERE IS SHE?" I pushed him agents the wall yelling right in his face. "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT! GET OFF OF ME YOU PSYCHOPATH!" He yelled back pushing me off of him, and if it wasn't for the gang I would have broken some teeth by now. 

"DON'T ACT LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW!'' I yelled back at him. raising my arm in a fist getting ready to break his teeth, but before I could Sodapop grabbed my arm stopping me "hold the phone their Dallas I don't think knows!" I looked at David wide eyed seeing his clueless face expression. 

The kid didn't take her and why would he or is that what he wants us to think?   

I removed Sodapop's arm and grabbed David by the collar once again taking him into his own  kitchen and sitting him down on a chair. "Alright jackass. Where is she?" I asked him externally harsh  "What are you talking about?" He questioned "you know what I'm talking about where is Mary, man? common I know you took her!" I yelled at him getting ready to knock his teeth out if he didn't answer the question "What are you talking about 'I took her' what?" he asked. 

This kid was playing dumb but I wasn't about to take his bullshit "Oh don't play dumb with he motherfucker I know you basically kidnapped her man I know it was you and your soc friends! common man the jig is up!" 

"what do you mean Mary got 'kidnapped' ?" he said standing from the chair, actual concern in his voice. "Dallas sorry to disappoint but I don't think it was him..." Steve said entering my thoughts 

It wasn't him, its not him, its not him, its not him, its not him!   

That repeated in my mind multiple times, and I couldn't take it I was scared out of my mind. I thought it was him I was so sure of it. Who else would have taken her? I turned to exit the house I couldn't bare it another second. She was gone and its all my fault. 

I walked to cherry's car accidentally hitting it a few time and by accidentally I meant purposely before hearing behind me " Hey, common now don't take it out on the car!" i turned around to see her standing a few feet away from me "Why are you so upset about thing Mary girl anyways I mean you can have possibly any girl you want so why settle for less i mean shes really beautiful but common you know you can always have your self someone better ?" she stepped closer and my eyes grew wide "-and about that coke down at the dingo you know what lets do it" she said getting closer to me.

"get the hell out of her you little brad and you don't know Mary shes so much more I'm...I'm....I'm in love with her okay? I'm in lover with her more that she knows it and I don't care who you throw my way because I will always keep choosing her over everybody and anybody her always and forever her I love her.. I probably always will and I just said all that stuff just to make her jealous but now I regret it, I regret everything I said to to and I'm sorry I don't love you I actually may never love you the way I love her so can you do me a favor and just get the hell out of here!"

With that she got in her car, stared the engine, and was gone..I looked at the steps and the gang was all right their " how much of that did you guys hear?" I asked all of them "absolutely everything dally!" Tow-bit said speaking for everyone "were you being serious about everything you said?"Sodapop asked I nodded my head 'yes'. " okay so I'm guessing lets go see what Darry has to say."                      

we sat on the couch just waiting for Darry to get home so we can tell him what had just happened I had a feeling Darry was going to scream and blame me for what happened to Mary "oh their he is!" Sodapop exclaimed and once that door opened we all stood up at the same time looking at darry "whats going on? and what the hell is he doing here? and where is Mary?" Darry said looking at me then at the rest on the guys. "Darry something happened today-" and Sodapop preceded to exclaim everything that happened earlier today at the lot.

Darry looked upset well absolutely everyone else also looked upset. "did you bundle of idiots call the cops?" he asked us and all of us shook out head 'no' "good." he said I looked at him "what the hell do you mean 'good'? That the first thing we should have done!" I stated correcting him 

"They don't do shit so you know what we're gonna do we are gonna find her our selves Dallas call up Shepard hes gonna help us!"

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