chapter 10

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I hung a missing poster up outside the public library untill i realized pony and johnny aren't missing they just  flee so i grabbed the posters and threw them away in to the nearest  trash can both my hands are resting on the trashcan I felt sick to my stomach and my eyes are getting blurry just thinking about Ponyboy and Johnny kill the soc think but now the rest of the gang pretty much now by now because its all over town that a boy was found dead in the park

I rested my hands on the trash can holding back my tears until Heard a Voice unfamiliar to me a voice I'd never heard before "hey ma'am if you don't mind me asking but are you okay?" The unfamiliar voice said I looked over my shoulder to see a good looking soc boy probably about 6 ft 2 blown hair blue eyes he was very handsome he had a good build to him he looked like he worked out almost everyday the boy was probably not much older than 18 he looked about dallys age

I wiped my tears and completely ignored his comment looking straight ahead "So is that a no or a yes? You don't speak much do you?" He kept talking and i kept ignoring him
" so what does a guy like me have to do to get a girl like you to talk?" He said seductively i turned to face him still not saying a word

"Oh. Im David by the way." He said sweetly he stook out his hand for me to shake it but i didnt move a muscle why would a soc even talk to a greaser like me?

i just stared at him in the eyes wow he has really pretty eyes  "- uhm i'm sorry are you deaf or something?" He was starting to get mad "OKAY what do you want Soc?" I said coldly to micheal "thank the lord she can speak?" He laughed while looking up and thanking god his laugh was sexy but i couldn't tell him that "what do you want soc trying to jump me where is the rest of your little crew or whatever?" I rolled my eyes and started to walk away "trying to jump you? No im trying to do the complete opposite" he stated grabbing my hand so i wouldn't leave "please can we start over i don't know what i did but id like to get to know you!" He said giving me a smile that was to die for

I looked at him the rolled my eyes turning to see anything but him
"Please..." He said so sweetly i turned back to look at him he fixed his posture a bit them began "hi im David nice to meet you!" He said stretching out his hand for me to grab it "hi I'm mary!" I said grabbing his hand and he pulled my hand up to his face and kissed it i pulled my hand away quickly right after he did that


David decided it would be a good idea to walk me home since it was starting to get late and pretty dark

When we arrived home Dallas was on the front steps just waiting for me i could see inside was darry and sodapop on the couch with steve and two-bit

Dallas instantly jumped up and looked straight at me then turn to look at David who was standing right beside me "who's he?"  he said in a low cool tone that got me a little scared to be honest "Dally this is David" I told Dallas introducing him to David "yeah what the fuck is this soc doing on our territory! I could jump you right now... " dally said in a dangerous tone  his eyes were bloodshot he was  getting angrier by the second i put my hand on dallys chest  "I think you should go now" i turned to tell david but he just stood their he had a dangerous expression on his face as well. I felt my heart racing the worse was coming....

In a blink of an eye Dallas pushed me to the side gently making his way towards David and grabbing his collar oh no  I thought to myself

Dallas pulled David up close to his face "you have 3 seconds to run soc or you're dead!" I heard dally's angry tone before I could go over there and stop them two-bit and Steve pulled me back and onto the porch where I would be safe

Dallas let go of David give him 3 seconds to run David just stood there stood there with an angry expression on his face ready for what was about to come cuz I store dark and filled with rage normal dangerous mood prepare for the worst

Before I knew it Dallas I took in his first so I got David knocking on the ride down to the floor and getting on top of them punching him repeatedly "Dallas stop he's just a friend! dally come on! let the kid go! dallas. STOP. STOP. STOP. STOP. STOP!!!" I owe the Dallas trying to get loose from two-bit and Steve's grip

David is finally punching back but his punches were weak I could tell dangerous he was in the dangerous move that move that always scared me they're both on the floor hurting each other. "DALLAS NO!" I yelled at him trying to get loose till i finally did
I ran to Dallas and David as fast as I could but no matter how fast I run I felt like I was never getting to them

I put my hand on Dolly shoulder yelling at him to stop he turned over his shoulder to look at me. David wasn't fighting back anymore his eyes were open and he was awake but but he wasn't fighting back; Dallas stopped when our eyes met.

Dallas and David were finally separated David's face was bloody and bruised his lip was cut and so we're both his cheeks and his forehead his eyebrow had a huge cut probably going to need stitches two black eyes and a broken nose I've seen  Dallas fight but I've never seen him like that. David got up and start walking Straight Ahead down the road as if nothing happened Dally and I were facing each other now "what the hell os the matter with you?" I slap dally's chest lightly i turn my heal and walked in the house not wanting to hear dally's response. The hole gang walked in right after i did.

I walked i to the kitchen to get a glass of water. "Why the hell are you mad huh? Im the one that should be mad!" Dallas says in a sharp tone "are you fucking serious? He was just a friend dally!" I responded back to him the gang was just looking at us. "Just a friend oh really a friend doest look at you the way he was!" Dally said "darn marry ur strong i think i pulled a muscle trying to hold you back!" Two-bit said trying to change the conversation "am i missing something? " Darry butted in, dally and i stayed quiet. "1. Why the damn hell are you angry cuz shes talking to a boy 2.what's going on between you guys that i don't know about?" Darry questioned us "uhm good night" i said walking to my room "oh no you don't" darry told me turning me to face him, dally put his hand on darry making sure i don't get hurt "WHAT THE HELL OS GOING ON?" darry asks us "nothing, nothings going on" i lie to my poot brother "oh hell no this doesn't look like nothing. What happened?" He kept asking me and i couldn't take it anymore


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