Ch2 - A gleaming golden necklace

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A gleaming golden necklace

"You called for me professor? Is everything alright?" Harry asked, his trunk in one hand, and his new snowy owl in the other.

McGonagall stood up from her desk and walked slowly towards Harry.

"Yes, Potter. I have a job for you. And please call me Minerva," she replied, trying to keep her voice strong.

"Of course. What kind of job is it?" he asked, starting to get a little worried and confused. Considering he had graduated two years ago, it wasn't normal to be summoned to the Headmaster's office. Was everything alright?

"No need to worry Potter," McGonagall said quickly upon seeing Harry's troubled expression. "You see, 23 years ago in 1977, a mysterious teacher named Harry Parker taught Defense Against the Dark Arts for the school year."

Harry blinked in confusion for a second, before he realised where McGonagall was heading.

"Professor? - I mean Minerva? are you saying -"

"Indeed Potter. That mysterious teacher was indeed you, who time travelled to the past."

So, McGonagall was asking him to teach in the Marauders' era! Of course he would accept the offer. The mere prospect of meeting his parents, and seeing Sirius and Remus again got him grinning ear to ear, but as the words sank in, the balloon of happiness welling up inside him deflated quickly. Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "But Minerva, as far as I know, time turners only turned five hours of time. How will I get there?"

With that, she took out a gleaming golden necklace from inside her robe and handed it to Harry.

"The model was only released a few weeks ago, and can turn up to 70 years forward or backwards. It is an experimental time turner. And unlike the one you and Ms Granger used in your third year, this time turner does not work in a loop and creates alternate realities. So you must be careful."

Harry recognised it at once and began to examine it. The last time he'd held a time turner was in his third year, and this one was quite different. He slowly ran his fingers around the rim, feeling the numbers etched on its side, under his coarse thumb. Each number showed the day, month and year that the person wanted to travel to. Right now, it showed hyphens where the numbers should be. Harry guessed it worked a bit like a muggle number lock.

"So, if I set up the numbers, then it will take me to that time?" he asked.

"Yes. You will go to 31st August, of 1977," she replied, her Scottish accent stronger than usual. "But remember, you will be Harry Parker, not Harry Potter, and you will apply for the Defence against the dark arts post. Do what your instinct tells you. No one should know your true identity except Albus and I. Do you have all your belongings with you?"

"Yeah," he replied, thankful that he brought his cloak and the Marauders Map.

"Take these books with you - you will need them for teaching."

He took the books and put them in the weightless bag that Hermione gave him.

"Good luck Potter," she forced out a smile.

But Harry was able to see beyond that smile. Tears were forming in her eyes, and she seemed to be at the brink of breaking down.

"Oh, and Potter?" she whispered.

"Yes, professor?"

"Don't do anything stupid."

Time travel was very dangerous business. She just sent one of her favourite students on such a perilous mission! Tears were rolling down McGonagall's cheeks. What had she done? She couldn't take it anymore, and let down her hard, tough exterior - something that she hadn't done in front of a student in years.

Harry stepped forward and gave her a warm hug. After all, he couldn't just let his favourite professor cry, could he?

"I will be careful Professor. I promise."

After a few more moments, they pulled apart.

"Good luck Harry," she smiled, much more genuine smile than she did before.

"Thanks Professor. Thank you so much, for everything. And also -"

"Also what?"

Harry then carefully set the date on the time turner and clicked it in.

"You will always be one of my favourite professors."

Before McGonagall had time to reply, He shut his eyes tightly. His head started spinning, his stomach was queasy. Time travelling a long distance (a long time? A long distance in time, rather) felt surprisingly similar to using floo powder. After a few seconds, he finally plucked up the courage to open his eyes with tiny slits, and Harry saw everything moving at an incredibly fast speed. Everything that had happened in the past twenty-three years.

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