Ch 11 - That professor is bloody brilliant!

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Hi peoples! I really sorry I haven't updated for so long. It's been like four days? Five days? But I've had a really busy week.
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Ch 11 - That professor is bloody brilliant!

"I sense somebody's presence," he whispered softly to Nagini, as his cold, red eyes met Harry's green ones.....

Harry couldn't breathe. His heart was racing. After all, Voldemort standing a few metres away from him wasn't something he faced every day. Fear, as well as anger,  flowed through his veins, as his duelling instincts kicked in, and when Voldemort was distracted for a second, Harry managed to hurl a freezing charm and a stunner at him and Nagini. Without wasting an extra second, he ran, and after running a few metres, he transformed into a stag and went faster - Four legs were better than two, and he called for James to follow him. They didn't stop running until they reached Harry's office in the DADA wing. Harry quickly made a mental note to alert Dumbledore right after this.

"Why were we running?" brayed James.

"Acromantulas," Harry lied.

James didn't seem entirely convinced, but he still left the topic, not wanting to see the professor's bad side. Merlin, this Parker guy was such a fast runner and wasn't even panting that hard. Maybe even faster than him on a broomstick! They ran and ran until they reached the edge of the forest, and then they slowly walked back to his office.

"So why am I in your office if I'm not going to have detention?" asked James, who was still panting.

"I told you, I have something for you. Close your eyes, and hold out your hands."

This made James nervous. Was Harry going to beat him with a cane? Surely Dumbledore wouldn't allow it. Instead of pain, James felt a piece of parchment on his hands. What was this?

"Can I open my eyes now pro- Harry?"

"Yeah, open your eyes see what it is."

James opened his eyes, and they lit with joy. It was the Marauders Map.

"I can have it back? Are you serious?" exclaimed James, but groaned as soon as he said it.

"I'm not Sirius, I'm Harry."
James laughed in spite of himself.

"Harry, that got old in our first year," he wheezed.

"You may want to get going now, or you'll miss dinner," Harry smiled.

"Thank you prof, I mean Harry!"

James was really excited to tell his friends what had happened. He had forgotten all about the chase.

"Oi, Padfoot! Wormtail! Moony! WHERE ARE YOU PEOPLES?" he shouted.

"James, be quiet, will you? You can probably be heard all the way from the Great Hall," moaned Peter.

"What is it now? Can't you be a teensy bit quieter?" Remus said, annoyed.

"Did you guys miss me?" Asked James.

"I was just enjoying the peace and quiet until you came," Remus joked.

"You were gone? I didn't even realise it," said Peter.

"PRONGS!" bellowed Sirius, and came forward to hug him. "I've missed you. Was your detention really bad?"

"At least someone missed me. But it's only been a few hours, Sirius!"

"Still, I can't stand being away from you for 10 minutes mate. You are my best friend, you know that?" Sirius smiled.

"So, what are we then?" asked Remus, gesturing to himself and Peter.

Sirius grinned.

"I really need to tell you guys what happened. You'll never believe it! That professor is just so bloody brilliant!" began James, and went on to narrate the whole story of him meeting Harry in the forest.

When James finished his story, everyone was standing there, dumbstruck. There was silence.

"So," Peter began after a while. "He knows about our Animagus forms then?"

"Well, I think Harry only knows about me being a stag. Would he also know about you two?"

"Dunno," said Sirius.

"I'm gonna sleep. I'm really tired," Peter announced.

"Kay," said Remus, and a few seconds later, Peter started snoring.

"Probably knows. If he knows about you, then he would also know about us, right?" asked Sirius.

"He wouldn't know about my furry little problem would he?" Asked Remus quietly.

Everyone was silent (except for Peter, who was snoring rather loudly).

"Let's hope for the best," James said, finally. "And even if he does know, he's not going to tell anyone. Harry seems to be a good guy."

"Yeah," said Remus, but not completely convinced.

"Hey Prongs, why did you call Parker by his first name? We never call professors by their first name."

"He told me to call him that outside lessons."

"Ah, nice. So I can call him that too?"

"Yeah. He said that all my friends can call him Harry."

James hesitated. "Actually, he said all my friends except Peter."

"Peter?" wondered Remus. Sirius checked to see if Peter was asleep. He was.

"Guys, have you noticed that Parker always picks on Peter during lessons?" Remus asked.

"Yeah, doesn't like Wormy very much does he?" said Sirius. "But why though?" he thought out loud.

"I know. And it needs to stop. He can't just make Peter feel an outsider when he hasn't done anything wrong whatsoever. We should talk to Harry about this someday," decided James.
Sirius nodded in agreement.

"Its probably the same reason you guys hate Snape," Remus said.

"What? For calling Lily the M-word?" James asked.

Remus sighed. "Come on James, you know what I mean. You hate him for absolutely no reason at all. Remember back in first year when you and Sirius made fun of him for his hair? Before we got sorted? You started hating him before you learned his name."

James huffed, not wanting to admit it. Then finally he said, "Maybe."

"Yeah exactly. So Harry probably hates Pete for some stupid reason, or no reason at all."

"Perhaps because of how twitchy he is?" suggested Sirius.

James didn't say anything.

Harry had done everything he needed to do. He had marked most of his work, and most importantly, he had got to spend time with his father. He would soon to do the same with his mother, Sirius and Remus. Satisfied, he hoped to sleep and get some sweet dreams, as he still had nightmares from the battle of Hogwarts and Sirius's death. He closed his eyes, but still didn't get any sleep. Was he missing something? Then he realised who it was. He was missing Ginny. Usually, he would have Ginny curled up against him. He really did miss having her around. Sleeping alone on such a large bed felt so new and unusual. However, Harry's thoughts slowly cleared away as his tiredness took over his mind, and he went into a dreamless sleep.

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