Ch 25 - The Dursleys

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I know it's been ages since I last updated, so I don't blame you if you've forgotten What iS happening. Even I had to re-read a little bit! So long story short, the marauders and Lily know who Harry is, and that they're all going to die. And Harry is about to tell them about his years at Hogwarts.

Ch 25 - the Dursleys

"Well," began Lily. "I think these guys deserve to know everything that you told me, don't they? They missed out on quite a lot while they were at herbology class. And also, I would like to know more. More about your years at Hogwarts, and your friends and, like everything!"

"Of course I'll tell you all," Harry smiled.

"Good, 'cause that brief explanation you gave me is hardly enough, and"-

-"Brief?" questioned James. "Evans, you were there for an hour and a half at least. We had enough time to finish herbology class and come back, and you two are still here!"

"Well, I did have to narrate the first eighteen years of my life."

"Eighteen! Blimey that's old," exclaimed James, and Sirius playfully whacked his knee.

"Oi!" Sirius elbowed James. "Don't forget that I'm eighteen Prongs. Who are you calling old?"

Guys, just let Harry start," Remus muttered.

"Yeah, I wanna hear all about you and you friends, Prongslet," chimed Sirius.

"Right then," Harry sighed, slightly cringing at the nickname, Prongslet. "Blimey, this is going take aaaaages."

"Poor Harry's throat is probably going to be as dry as a desert by the time we finish," laughed Remus.

"You don't have to say it you know," said Lily.

"What do you mean?" demanded Sirius.

"I mean, Harry could use a penseive if you have one. Then all of us could just watch the memory," she replied.

"Wow. You're brilliant mum. Let's go to the room of requirement and wish for a penseive then," Harry said.

"Wait, the room of what?" asked Sirius.

"The room of requirement. It's on the seventh floor. C'mon, let's go!"

"Well Harry, we'll let you know that we have been inside, and mapped every single room of this damn castle, and I can tell you, there is no 'room of requirement' on the 7th floor," Sirius declared with utmost conviction.

"Oh? How can you be so sure?" Harry grinned. "Every single room,  you say?"

Sirius nodded.

"So, ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you too the room of requirement!" Harry introduced.

"Oh, so that's what it called. We just used to call it the secret room," realised Sirius.

"And we weren't able to put it on the marauders map, because it had some kind of spell on it, which wouldn't allow the area to be mapped," said remus.

"Right, so let's get started!" James said eagerly.

Harry then put the tip of his wand to the side of his head, and concentrated deeply on the memories he had to pull out, and a silver thread came, connected to the wand tip from his head. He gently put it in the pensive.

"Right then, let's go in."

"ME FIRST!" yelled Sirius and James at the same time. They fought to get in first, and they both ended up dunking their heads into the misty liquid at the same time, bumping into each other.

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