ch 22 - Killed A basilisk in second year

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Hey guys, I'm back!!!! So yeah, I'm really sorry for not updating DESPITE promising you an early update in the previous chapter. I'm really sorry, and, I don't even have an excuse this time... yeah I know I deserve to be expelled for this (coz we all know that it's a worse punishment than being killed)...

ch 22 - Killed A basilisk in second year

"Sir, are you an Inferius? "

"Bloody Hell Sirius, that's a definite 'no'," answered Harry, who just came into the room with lily. "So. You can ask me all your questions now. And I guess you have quite a few."

"Sir, are you an Inferius?" Sirius immediately repeated.

"Well, I thought that I'd already answered that one," Harry said dryly.

"But do you have proof that you're not?"

His own godfather was asking him this? These words stabbed Harry in the chest, but instead, Harry snorted, and rolled his eyes, trying his best not to show his feelings.

"Well Sirius, do I look like a dead creepy zombie?"

"Well, you don't look dead, or creepy, but what's a zombie?" he asked.

"You don't know what a zombie is?" Asked Lily, astounded.

"Yeah Sirius, even I know what it is. How do you not know? But It's basically a muggle version of an inferius. A scary undead creature who can't think."

"Oh. Well then, you don't look like an inferius."

"Good. So there's your proof."

"So professor, can you tell us a bit about yourself? I mean, you say that you're my son, I'm obviously going to be curious. What house were you in?" he paused. Then as an afterthought, "Actually, never mind. You were obviously a Gryffindor. The sorting hat wouldn't ever dare put a Potter in Slytherin, yeah?" James finished.

Harry frowned. "The sorting hat seriously considered putting me in Slytherin --no Sirius, it's not a pun."

"WHAT?" screamed a terrified James and an overdramatic Sirius, who was dramatically clutching his heart.

"I - can't - breathe..."

"Sirius shut up," Remus muttered offhandedly. James didn't even look up; he was so used to Sirius's melodrama.

"Oww, my head. The floor..."

"Sirius," Lily raided her voice.


"SIRIUS!" Lily screamed.

"But don't worry, I was a Gryffindor," Harry said quickly, and Sirius immediately stopped his acting. Relief flooded through him and James.

"Okay, thank bloody Merlin for that! You scared me mate," Sirius laughed.

"But do you like Quidditch?" asked an eager James.

"Yeah, I played Seeker ever since first year," Harry smirked.

"What? First year?" questioned James.

Remus said, "So they changed the rules then?"

"Nah it's still the same rule, but they were desperate for a seeker, and I tried out, and they let me be part of the team", he answered, shrugging his shoulders.

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