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Here's another chapter for you all!
What are nargles? Luna talks about them all the time, but I don't even know what they are. Does anyone else know?
Warning: there is a bit of torture in this chapter.


Some of this content was taken from 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire'.

The next moment, Harry was lying on the ground of the Quidditch stadium, in the same spot where he had died. He heard some faint crying, which he knew was coming from Lily. He made it a point to breathe as quietly as he could, and strike Voldemort when the time was right.

"HARRY POTTER IS DEAD!!!" yelled Voldemort.

"NO!" yelled James. Tears streaming from his eyes, he looked at his favourite professor's (besides Minnie of course) lifeless body. This guy barely knew Sirius. Sure he was close to him and the marauders, but he had only been teaching here for two months! Although Sirius meant the whole world to James, he wouldn't be anything more than a student in Harry's eyes. James couldn't understand why this man readily sacrificed his own life for a student who hardly ever handed in his homework on time. He now had complete trust in Harry. Harry just saved his brother. Why would any Death Eater do so? He was clearly a good guy. The best. His mother must be so proud to have raised a son like Harry Parker. Guilt flooded through him. He felt a complete nutter for doubting Harry.

"You say that he isn't dead? Then watch this," he said, lifting his wand.

Harry felt the familiar feeling of excruciating pain hot him. Except this time, it felt worse. Much worse. He felt like red hot knives were piercing his skin from all directions, and all he could feel was the endless pain.... What made it worse was that he couldn't cry out, or Voldemort would know that he is alive. He grit his teeth as hard as she could to prevent him from screaming, and clenched his fists, digging his nails into the flesh of his palms, so deep, that they must have bled. For a second, he wished that he had died and hadn't come back. Being dead meant spending eternity with his parents. Dying seemed a lot more welcoming than this absolute agony. Every bone and muscle in his body throbbed like hell. Finally, Voldemort dropped his hand, releasing Harry from the curse, so he could breathe again.

"Did he move? No. There is your proof." sneered Voldemort.

"No. He's not dead, he can't be!" Lily cried, desperately.

"You stubborn mudblood. Won't you ever learn? Crucio," he said lazily, pointing his wand at Lily.

James's eyes widened, and Lily closed her eyes, ready to embrace the torture about to hit her, but nothing happened. This confused Harry, but then he realised that his sacrifice cast a shield around the four of them, and the curse rebounded on Voldemort, who fell to the floor. He was squirming for two two seconds, but then he started to get up. Harry then saw his chance, rose from the ground, and quickly hurled an Expelliarmus. In spite of that, Voldemort was quicker, and he cast the Avada Kedavra Harry's direction. A jet of green light came from Voldemort's wand, but a brighter jet of red light blasted from Harry's - they met in midair - and suddenly Harry's wand was vibrating madly; his hand seized up around it, and a narrow beam of light connected the two wands.

Harry, following the beam with his astonished gaze, saw that Voldemort's long white fingers too were gripping a wand that was shaking and vibrating. And then - he felt his feet lift from the ground. This was his Fourth year happening all over again. He and Voldemort were both being raised into the air, their wands still connected by that thread of shimmering golden light. James, Sirius, Remus and Lily were watching the magnificent sight in awe, their mouths wide open. By then, Bellatrix had woken up due to all the commotion. She was shouting, and asking Voldemort for instructions, but didn't dare do a thing without her Lord commanding her to do so. The golden thread connecting Harry and Voldemort splintered; though the wands remained connected, a thousand more beams arced high over Harry and Voldemort, crisscrossing all around them, until they were enclosed in a golden, dome-shaped web, cage of light.

"Do nothing!" Voldemort shrieked at Bellatrix, and Harry saw his red eyes wide with astonishment at what was happening, and Harry held onto his wand more tightly, with both hands. "Do not do a thing, unless I command you!" Voldemort shouted to Bellatrix, and she obeyed. Harry remembered when the exact same thing happened in his fourth year. His mother and father had come out of Voldemort's wand and guided him because of Priori Incantatem, but that wasn't going to happen now. If he were to break the connection, there would be no portkey to take him back to Hogwarts, like there was before. What could he do? Thought Harry, wracking his brain for ideas, but he found it very difficult to think logically, as his scar was splitting his head open. Where was Hermione when you needed her? But Harry knew that he couldn't stand like this for eternity, and did what felt like the right thing to do. He knew that this wasn't a bad time to break the connection between the two wands, so he jerked his wand upwards, and the bright lights ceased to glow. Harry and Voldemort fell to the ground. Harry landed firm on his feet, whereas Voldemort landed on his bum.

"Its over Tom Riddle," Harry hissed. "Go and fix your pride up before coming back to fight again."

Voldemort and Bellatrix, who were both furious, disappeared with Nagini in a cloud of black smoke.

Harry looked at the four teenagers watching him, and smiled. James, Sirius, Remus and Lily ran up to Harry as fast as they could.

"Are y-you okay Sirius?" Harry asked, his mouth dry.

"Of course I am Harry. Why are you asking me? I am the one who should be asking you that. But anyway how the Hell did you survive the --" Sirius was cut off by Harry, who pulled him into a great hug.

"Oh Sirius, y-you cant imagine how glad, -- I'm just so glad that you're okay. I - just didn't - want - to lose you again," said between deep breaths, as tears rolled down his eyes.

"Hey professor, why are you crying?" asked Sirius, pulling away from the hug. "And what do you mean by you don't want to lose me again?" Sirius asked, but Harry didn't seem to be in the state to answer his question.

Oops thought Harry. He shouldn't have said that. But before Harry could answer, James cut in.

"That was bloody brilliant professor! You literally dueled Voldemort and won! And you survived! This should go on the news, and you'll be famous! Perhaps as famous as Dumbledore himself!"

"Why thank you James, but I'd rather not have this news spread," Harry replied, wiping away his tears.

"Professor, you're alright, aren't you?" Remus questioned.
Harry felt super exhausted. Dueling always to tired him out, and to duel with Voldemort, it felt too extensive. He felt like he may faint if he stayed out on the pitch any longer, and wanted nothing more than to sink into his bed.

"Yeah. I'm alright," said Harry, forcing out a smile.

Remus saw straight through the lie.

"Do you need to go to the hospital wing to rest?" he asked.

"No, I'm fine," Harry replied. "I think we should go inside though."

"Yeah," said Lily. "Is it alright if I go, Professor? I've got tons of homework due in tomorrow," she said apologetically.

"Yeah, that's fine, Lily. See you in next class," Harry said.

Lily quickly left and Harry decided that they should go too. "Let's go now," he said. "It's getting dark and it's freezing out here."

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