Ch 14 - Mount your brooms

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Okay, a sort of cliffhanger for you guys. Hope you liked this chapter! It's the longest one so far. I hit 2000 words for the first time!

Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my best friend! This extra long chapter is a birthday present for her. I would dedicate the chapter to her, but I don't want mention her username (for privacy reasons).

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Ch 15- Mount your brooms

Time skip to 31st October, Halloween.

The Quidditch match of the term was coming up, to be on the day of Halloween, so James and Sirius had been busy with their practice. The match was against Slytherin, so all the team members had to put in double the effort into their practice, since up their sleeves, Slytherin always had some way or the other to cheat.
James and Sirius were dressed in their Quidditch uniform, with brooms in their hand, and were walking towards the pitch.

"You ready mate?" Sirius asked.

"Yeah. First match of the year. How are you feeling?"

"Good actually. We'll smash them slytherins' faces. We've been working our areses (I spelt it incorrectly for a reason) off, practicing four times a week."

"Yeah." said James. "I am a great captain, don't u think?" he boasted.

"You would be if u flattened your ego mate."

James laughed.

"Prongs?" Sirius asked in a worried tone.


"You've got your wand on you, right?"

"I have. For once, I remembered it without you or Remus having to remind me!" he sing songed, but trailed off when he saw that Sirius didn't join in.

"Good," replied Sirius blankly. "I have mine too."

"Sirius, are you alright? You seem so unlike Sirius today."

"Well, I had a nightmare about Voldemort last night," he paused and took a deep breath. "And, I don't know James, I have a feeling that something is going to happen today."

"Hey, don't worry. Nothing will happen to anyone. Okay? It's only your nerves for the match," James comforted Sirius. "If you want to talk about it," --

"It's okay James. Not now. Quidditch first, talk later," Sirius said quickly.
James wanted to say something else, but the match would be starting soon, so he left it.

"Kay get ready, the game will be starting any moment. Good luck Sirius!" James shouted, and Sirius shouted a good luck back. He could see Remus, Peter and Harry in watching him from the stands.

"Mount your brooms," said Madam Hooch, and blew her whistle. The game had begun.
Fourteen brooms rose up, high, high into the air.

"Aaand the
Quaffle is taken soon by Alice Prewitt of Gryffindor -- what a brilliant Chaser that girl is, and rather attractive, too --"

"WOOD!" Shouted McGonagall.

"Sorry, Professor. And she's really belting along up there, a neat pass to Marlene McKinnon, then to Lily Evans and -- no, the Slytherins have taken the Quaffle, Slytherin Captain Lucia Talkalot gets the Quaffle and off she goes -- but she's stopped by an excellent move by the Gryffindor Keeper, and the Gryffindors take the Quaffle once again! -- Oh no -- Now Slytherin has got it! That's Chaser Aubrey of Slytherin there, nice dive around McKinnon, off up the field and -- OUCH! -- that must have hurt, hit in the back of the head by a Bludger --That was good aim Sirius Black -- Aubrey drops the quaffle, but it's caught by Mulciber, the other Slytherin chaser  -- that's Mulciber speeding off toward the goal posts, but he's blocked by a second Bludger -- sent his way by Sirius Black again which is an excellent play by the Gryffindor Beater. Now, Lily Evans is back in possession of the Quaffle, a clear field ahead and off she goes -- she's really flying -- the goal posts are ahead come on, now, Evans -- Keeper Vanity dives -- misses quite badly --

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