Ch 13 - Slytherins just admitted that Griffindor was going to win

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Were you guys surprised to see Snape in the death eater meeting? Well, I always imagined that he got the dark mark around the time he called Lily a mudblood, and now he's in seventh year, so I thought it would make sense.

Anyway, did you all like the prev chapter? I told you that there would be another encounter with Voldemort soon! This chapter just may contain another prank! Hope you liked it. Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY REMUS!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉

Be sure to have some chocolate for Moony!

Ch 13 - Slytherins just admitted that Griffindor was going to win

It had been around a month and a half since term started, and along with October came the cold gusts of wind. Harry was quite happy with himself. He had been a good teacher, and the students had a good impression of him, especially the marauders. He went down to the Great Hall, to have breakfast.

The four marauders arrived at the great Hall, just after Parker had. The Hall was packed, and almost everyone were present. This was the perfect time for the special prank of the week to be pulled.

"So here's the plan," started Sirius.

"Sirius, you've already gone over the flipping plan three hundred times," complained Peter, but Sirius ignored him, and went on.

"So I'll count you all in, and we'll fire all the spells non verbally at the Slytherin table, where Snivellus and his friends are sitting. Then, they will say what they have to. Got it?"

"Yes Father," James said
sarcastically, and Remus rolled his eyes, but nodded.

"One, two, three!" shout-whispered Sirius.

"Dicere Verbamea!" The four of them exclaimed, Sirius pointing his wand at Narcissa Black, Remus at Amycus Carrow, Peter at this other girl who Snape was sitting next to, and James at Snape. Then, the four of them put the tips of their wands to their mouths as if holding a microphone, and spoke.

"Griffindor kicks Slytherin's ass in the Quidditch match! Slytherin sucks!" but Sirius added that "Sirius Black is hot," and James added that "James Potter is awesome."

Sirius thought the result was spectacular; ten times better than a fireworks display at new year's eve. The four worst Slytherins had just admitted that Griffindor was going to win the match, in front of the whole school. This was a once in a life time opportunity to watch. However, the best part was when Narcissa Black addmited that he, Sirius Black was hot!!! Sirius felt so proud of his cousin, for realising how sexy he was, when compared to Lucius Malfoy. For three years, she had always been following Lucius Malfoy like a tail, but since he had graduated, Poor Narcissa seemed lonely.

"Oi guys, look!" James said, looking completely shocked.


"Look at Harry," he said, pointing at the teachers' table. James's eyes were wide, with a proud look on his face.

"Bloody hell," whispered Sirius.

"That is the greatest achievement of our lives," said Peter.

"This teacher seems immature," chuckled Remus, shaking his head. "But I guess that we've done a good job," he addmitted.

Harry was laughing. He was actually laughing at one of their pranks! James, Sirius and Remus were over the moon. It was probably the first time in forever, that a teacher credited the marauders for their hard work on pranks. Dumbledore would usually chuckle a little, and Minnie would always smile, but soon change it to a frown and shake her head, to set a good example. The rest of the teachers would either roll their eyes, or completely ignore the prank. But Harry was actually laughing hard, and sent a wink in the direction the marauders were sitting.

The next moment, Harry made his way out of the great Hall.

"Hey guys," started Sirius. "Where do you think he's going?"

"To get a cane and beat us all up," Remus replied dryly.

"What?" panicked Peter. "B-but Dumbledore surely would allow it..."

"Hey, Moony was only joking Pete," said James, with a little bit of mockery in his voice.

"Yeah. He's probably finished his food," Sirius added.

The moment he said this, a student walked in, who looked a lot like James. How was that possible? Thought Sirius. James was sitting right next to him.How could another James be there? Then he noticed the green eyes and realised that it was Harry. Harry was wearing Griffindor uniform, making him look exactly like James, except for his eyes, and was approaching them.

"Well, that was an excellent prank," congratulated Harry.

"You're actually congratulating us? You serious?" James said, estatic.

"No, but I believe your best mate here is very Sirius," Harry said, grinning.

The four of them all groaned.

"Harry, why are wearing student robes?" asked Peter, and Harry glared at him. Calm down Harry, he hasn't done anything yet, he told himself.

"Well, to blend in the crowd I guess. Usually professor's sit at the big tables at the front. If they saw me here, everyone would be looking at us," Harry stated, using an 'isn't it obvious' tone.

"Anyway Padfoot, Prongs, I believe that you have Quidditch practice to attend. It won't look nice if the captain himself is late, yeah?"

James and Sirius casually nodded, but then they immediately froze.

"D-did you just call me Prongs?" James asked in a worried tone.
Oops, thought Harry.

"I heard Sirius calling you other that," Harry replied quickly, driving himself out of that awkward moment.

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