Ch 29 - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

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Now here is an extra long chapter for you guys (like, 3800 words, so you're in for a long read) sorry if it gets too boring :(

Ch 29 - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

The five of them went on to watch the rest of Harry's memories for his very first year at Hogwarts.

They all anxiously waited for the sorting hat to make its judgement. Sirius looked shocked when the hat suggested Slytherin, and Lily berated him for being so prejudiced against them.

"Hey, you can't blame me for not liking Slytherin! My whole family come from there, and they're the worst people alive!" he protested.

"Apart from Regulus, your own bleedin' brother.," Harry muttered to himself.

"What?" asked Sirius. If he had heard correctly, Harry had said something about his brother...

"Oh, nothing," Harry said a little too quickly.

Sirius frowned, but quickly shrugged off his concern for Regulus and turned his attention to the sorting hat again.

Everyone cheered loudly when the sorting Hat finally announced that Harry was a Griffindor, especially Sirius and James, who were screaming so loudly that one may think that they won the House Cup or something. Lily playfully ruffled Harry's hair, which was an action Harry had longed to feel for his entire life. Remus gave him a hug, a big high five, and a hearty congratulations.

Watching Harry fly on a broomstick for the first time, was James's proudest moment of his life. His son was a bloody natural at flying! And he was even able to catch Neville's remember all just in time, without letting it smash to the ground. James instantly knew that his son had the perfect build and talent for a seeker, and would definitely get a place on the Quidditch team next year.

However, his fantasy was cut short when McGonagall and Hooch arrived at the pitch. Minnie had told Harry to follow her, and he doubled up at Harry's nervous expression. They all laughed so hard with Harry under the expression that he was gonna be expelled.

"Aw come on Harry, Minnie would never expel you after witnessing you pulling that stunt!"

"Minnie?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, that's what we call her," smiled James.

"Wood, I have found you a new seeker," McGonagall said.


"Yeah, but you know already, don't you? I already told you this," Harry pointed out.

"BUT STILL! Why didn't they let me in? It's not fair," James complained, and all the others laughed.

Remus smacked his forehead when Harry accepted Malfoy's midnight duel and rolled his eyes at Harry's astonishment went Draco didn't turn up. "Of course Malfoy wasn't going to come," he muttered.

"But I wouldn't know that!" Harry protested.

"Oh Harry," Lily smiled, shaking her head. "No wonder you weren't sorted into Ravenclaw."

In the distance was a quiet purr of an old cat.

"And now, look what you've done Harry. Just got yourself caught by Filch and his ugly cat!"

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