ch 10 - Damn, how did Parker know everything?

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ch 10 - Damn, how did Parker know everything?



"I'm sad."

"Good to know mate, but so am I."


"What is it now James?"

"I'm still sad."

"I know. You're not the only one who loved that map."

"Paaaaaadfoot," James complained.

"Prooooongs," said Sirius, mimicking James's tone.

"Can we steel the map back, together?"

"The professor is super smart though. Like he knows all our secrets."

"But we can try, yeah?"

"We could, but let's do it later, I can't be bothered."

"Cheer me up Padfoot. You aaaalways cheer me up."

"Sorry mate, but I can't cheer people up when I need cheering up myself, so you can bugger off."

But then, James's frown turned into a wide grin.

"Where do we always go when we need cheering up?" asked James.

"Not coming," replied Sirius.

"What? why?"

"Can't be bothered to. Besides, Moony promised me that he'll help me with transfiguration."

"Oh," James's face fell.

"Yeah, sorry Prongsie. Breaking a marauder promise is worse than breaking an unbreakable vow. Sorry mate."

"See you then. I'll go myself. It's been ages since I've been to the forest."

"Really?" said Sirius. "The last time we all went was in our sixth year when Remus went Moony. And that was only a few months ago."

"Well that's nice to know," James replied sarcastically.

"You got the cloak, right?"


James started to go, but then Sirius noticed something on his nightstand.

"For the love of Merlin Potter, how many times do I have to tell you not to forget your wand? Honestly," said Sirius,  shaking his head, and James went to take it.

"Yeah, whatever Padfoot."

"No really, you never know when you will come across something dangerous and need to defend yourself. Why do you always have to forget your bleedin' wand Potter?"

"Alright! Bloody hell," muttered James.

"Come back in time for detention with the new teacher!" Sirius called as James left.

With that, James disappeared under the cloak and quietly set off to the forest. He walked out of the castle and onto the grounds. As he sped, he felt the cool breeze on his face and it ruffled his hair. He reached the beginning of the forbidden forest and grinned. Hiding behind a tree, he transformed into his animagus form; a stag. He then began to walk slowly on his wobbly knees into the forest, careful not to trip. It took him a while to get used to walking on four hooved legs, instead of two human legs. After all, it had been nearly three months since he last transformed into a stag. He trotted along the usual route that he and his friends always took, and broke into a run. He always felt free in the forest  - sorry, woods. Even though it was meant to a dangerous forbidden forest, he regarded them as woods. As long as he stayed away from the centaurs, acromantulas and other beasts that inhabited the place, he would be fine. Then, he decided to chase a few rabbits.

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