Ch 17 - When and how did he get here?

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This chapter is dedicated to RoseLupin27
Another chapter today, as promised! I hope u like it!

Ch 17 - When and how did he get here?

Harry woke up and found himself in the Hospital Wing of - wait. This wasn't the Hospital Wing. It didn't look like St Mungos either. What was this place? Where was he? When and how did he get here? He was in complete silence, which meant that he was alone, and was lying on a hard surface. He got up and realised that he was naked. He wasn't wearing his glasses, yet his vision was just fine. Harry's head was aching a little, unable to understand what happened. He slowly got up, and as he looked around, he couldn't help not noticing the place's resemblance to King's Cross Station.

A little while later, his memory came back to him. Voldemort had killed him. Was this place Heaven? Was he dead?
No. You are not, replied a voice inside him. Then Harry remembered what happened the first - well, seventh time Voldemort had tried to kill him. He had ended up in the very same place he was in now. This meant that Harry wasn't dead. Harry wished that he wasn't naked, just like he did before, when, robes suddenly appeared before him, so he slipped them on. Last time he came here, Dumbledore had been there to greet him, and Harry wondered who would come this time, or if he had to find out what to do by himself.

However, he could see a person in the distance, who was approaching him. The person's figure became clear and larger as the figure got clearer, and -- was that Dumbledore? No, it couldn't be. It was his father. Not the seventeen-year-old version of him who he taught daily in defence class, but the twenty-one-year-old version who he never knew.

"Dad," Harry said plainly, not knowing what else to do.
"Harry," replied a kind, gentle voice.

Harry's eyes started watering. This person was his father. He couldn't believe it! Although he taught him four times a week, he felt so emotional seeing this version of him. Everything seemed so surreal. Unable to wait any longer, Harry rushed forward to hug him, and James hugged him back. Harry was relieved that he didn't fall through him as though he were a ghost-like he did last time with the resurrection stone, and Harry began to cry harder. James gave Harry a quick kiss on his forehead, and gently stroked his hair.

Most twenty-year-olds, unlike Harry, would be sensitive to their parent's affection since they are at such a grown-up age, and they would flinch, feel embarrassed or even push away at this gesture. Harry, on the other hand, had been craving for this affection ever since he was a child. For all Harry knew, this could and would be the first and last time he would remember embracing his father like this. He would cherish this happy memory forever.

"Oh dad, I wish that you were with me," he sobbed.
"Well, I am with you actually. You're teaching me DADA, remember?"
"But that's different."
"But life doesn't always go in our favour, does it?"
"I guess not," Harry agreed.
It was quite some time for them to reluctantly pulled away.
"Harry, I want you to know that you are a wonderful wizard. I really cannot express how proud I am to call you my son," James said, with a smile. "And I want you to know that I will never stop caring for you. How ever down you may feel, please remember that I'll always be watching over you."
"Th-thank you Dad," Harry replied softly. "I know. I'll always remember you. The ones that love us never really leave us. And we can always find them in our heart."
"That one came from Dumbledore, I guess?"
"Well, no. It was Sirius actually."
"Sirius? Bloody hell. When did that idiot become so mature?" chuckled James.
Harry laughed.

There was an awkward pause between them, while Harry was still trying to wrap his head around what was happening.

James started to grin. "I've got a surprise for you, Harry."
Harry looked amused. "You do? What is it?"
James rolled his eyes at Harry's excitement. "Honestly Harry, if I tell you what it is, then it won't remain a surprise will it?"
"Dad, can I ask you something?"
"Am I dead or not?" he wondered. He wasn't sure what he wanted the answer to be. If he was dead, he could be with all his loved ones. His mum, dad, Lupin and Sirius, which was his heart's greatest desire. But this would have devastating consequences on Earth. On the other hand, if he wasn't dead, then it'll be many years - decades probably, before he could see his parents again, but he would fix everything and live a long happy life with his true love.

"Well, that was meant to be the surprise, but anyways. No, you are not dead. You were born in 1980, weren't you? At the moment, it is only 1977, so you can't die if you're not born yet. You get it?"

Harry thought for a second before replying, "Yeah, I kinda do I suppose. And one more thing. Why is my brain connected to Voldemort? He hasn't created a Horcrux in me yet. I'm scared."
"Well Harry, I'd think you to be a fool if you weren't scared. No, there isn't a Horcrux in you, don't worry," he said quickly, seeing Harry's anxious expression. "But when you time travel, you mess with the fabric of time, and these artefacts are created."

Upon seeing Harry's puzzled expression, James carried on to explain more.

"If you time travel over a span of more than a month, to go and fix something that happened, you can see minor differences in the timeline, for example, a scar from an injury that shouldn't have taken place or a photo that was never meant to be taken."
"Oh," was all Harry could say. "So, me being able to see into Voldemort's mind is just some kind of artefact, because that is how it's supposed to be? And I am definitely not a Horcrux?"
"Woah, Dad, you seem to know the answer to everything! Does being dead let you gain a lot of knowledge then?"

James laughed. "Well, I guess it does because you can see everything that's happening, but I only know about artefacting because I've time travelled as well in my fifth year, you know."
"Yeah. You weren't the only one who went on adventures during your time at Hogwarts," he chuckled.

Harry smiled.

"Now, you get to make a choice."
"What choice?" said Harry.
"Whether you want to go back, or pass on and live with me."
Harry thought for a moment. If he stayed, then the world would be in chaos. The marauders would have questions about him, and what if Lily and James didn't get together? The time-travelling has a bigger purpose than just to teach students. What if his purpose for travelling back in time was to make lily realise her love? No. He couldn't stay. He had to go back.
"I'm going back," said Harry firmly.
James smiled. "I knew you would make the right decision. Well, I should be going now, and you should find yourself back on Earth in a few seconds." James said.
"Dad no, wait!" he called. Harry didn't want James to go yet. He had so many things to tell him, but nothing came to his mind. "If I'm not dead, I - I can take you back, right? You can come with me, can't you?" Harry asked hopefully.
Please say yes, please please say yes, please? Harry silently hoped.
"Harry, I can't. I'm so sorry, but I'm dead and I can't come back," James said sadly.

Although this was the answer that he had been expecting, Harry still felt the balloon inflating with happiness and hope pop. His son's pained expression completely crushed James, and a single tear rolled down his cheek.

"Harry," James breathed. "I'm so sorry I left you, and that you couldn't have the childhood you deserved. Lily and I, we both, we really did try, but --"
"Hey, it's alright." Harry stopped him, putting his arm on his father's shoulder. "Really. If it weren't for you and mum, then I wouldn't even be alive. Just, thank you. Thank you so much for everything Dad."
James's lips formed a smile. "I'm so very proud of you Harry. Remember that I'll always be there for you. Always."
"Of course Dad. I promise."

James's smile soon morphed into a troubled expression.
"What happened?" Harry asked, worried.
"I'm afraid it's time for me to go, Harry," he said grimly.
They both had one last hug.
"I-I love you Dad," Harry whispered.
"I love you too," Harry. You know, you have your mother, Lily's eyes. Be safe Harry. Stay strong."
Harry nodded, and before he could say anything else, James vanished.

I hope you liked this chapter! Harry is back, and he has met his true father! I nearly cried while writing this. C'mon guys, I may be evil, but not evil enough to kill Harry. Why do you think I posted that on April Fools day, out of all the other days I could have posted it on?
Well done to kcbookslove and FatherSon for figuring out it was an April fools prank. I would never let Harry die! (Until the marauders learn the truth from him, at least....)
*evil grin* Mwa ha ha ha....... lol only joking 🙃
Anyway, please don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT! Thx!

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