Ch 23 - It's only because of you that I'm still alive

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Ch 23 - It's only because of you that I'm still alive

"So are we not married in the future?" a freaked out Sirius wondered.

"WHY?" They both said together.

"Erm, well basically, like... err," muttered Harry.

"Harry James Potter. Tell us now," Remus growled.

Harry mentally groaned. He really didn't want to tell them the sad parts yet, couldn't the happiness last a little bit longer? He had been hoping to talk to Lily about this first,as she would be kinder and more understanding. But no, the first person to confront him on this 'everyone in this room but me will be dead' topic had to be an angry, growling Sirius. He wasn't ready to tell them the truth yet, and he desperately wished that something would come and distract the marauders.

As if on cue, the clock chimed 3, indicating the end of the free period the marauders had.

"Hey Siri, It's time for Care of Magical creatures with Professor Kettleburn," muttered James.

"Well, Kettleburn can wait. First, I need answers." Sirius barked.

"But we'll get a detention if we're late again, and you have already skived off too many classes already. This is our NEWT year, and I don't want to get behind in class. Come on Sirius, we can talk to harry later," said Remus, though his accusing eyes were still on Harry.

"Fine," grumbled Sirius. "This conversation isn't over," he said coldly, and strode off.

After a few moments, Lily began to speak. "Professor, I don't study care of magical creatures and I'm free right now, so can I talk with you now please?" Lily said.

Harry smiled in delight, thanking the Gods that he was presented with an appropriate time to talk to Lily. "Of course. Actually, I wanted to talk to you too. And don't call me professor."

"Okay", replied Lily. "So why aren't Rey and Sirius together in the future? Does something happen to them?" she asked in a feeble, but accusing voice, taking a deep breath and to brace herself for the worst answer.

He sighed, "I need to tell you something about the future, and I'm not sure how to bring it out really."

"Just say it as it is then."

"Okay, but promise me that you won't freak out."

"I'm kind of already freaking out Harry. What's wrong?" she said, worried for her son.

"But don't freak out any further."

Lily nodded warily. "I'll try not to."

"I've been wanting to tell someone this for a long time, and I figured that you would be the most understanding person."

"Of course Harry. You can tell me anything you know. After all, I am your mother," she confirmed.

Harry took another deep breath.

"Youdadsiriusnremusaredead," he said quickly, all in one breath.


"Well basically, in the future, dad, you, Sirius, and Remus ar -- are all, er, dead," Harry said quietly, as he furiously blinked away the tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

Lily stared at him. "You're can't be Sirius."

"I am." He paused. "They were all killed, fighting in a war," he looked at her with a sombre expression.

"So Voldemort is still alive in your time."

"He was," Harry started, "and now he's dead. But you, and everyone else died fighting against him."

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