Chapter 12: A Friend (2/3)

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I smiled back at him. Despite my fears and worries, this kid had somehow charmed his way right into my life. I had made it clear in my mind that I could be dangerous, yet I couldn't resist the human connection, not when I was so alone out here. I knew I had to be very careful; I vowed to keep on my guard whenever I was around Wes. He may have been looking for a friend, but at any moment, if I wasn't careful, he could be looking into the eyes of a wild beast.

I made a silent promise to myself. "I won't let anything happen to Wes," I thought. "In fact, I think he can help me as much as I can help him." Just a few minutes ago I had tried to turn him away, my fear twisting me into self-imposed isolation. Now, the happiness I felt warmed me down to the tip of my tail. I figured as long as I took care of myself and my needs, there would be no issues. Even if the kid tried to tell people about me, who would believe him?

Wes eyed my wings with undisguised longing. "Can you take me flying? Please? I wanna fly so bad!"

"Hold on a second," I said. "I can't fly during the day. It's too easy for people to see me. Anyway, I don't know if I can even carry you. How about you ride on my back, and we just walk for now? Maybe later we can see about flying." I obligingly got on all fours and bent down so he could climb on, thankful that I didn't have any spikes on me that might hurt him. He sat comfortably on my shoulders between the base of my neck and my wing joints.

"I'm riding on a dragon!" he exclaimed. "This is the most awesomest thing I've done my whole life!"

I was making this kid so happy, it infected me with happiness too. I didn't mind letting him have a ride—it was actually pretty fun to walk around like that again, all my paws enjoying the earth's cool touch. Wes loosely held onto my neck as we meandered through the trees. I walked in a big circle and eventually came back to the stream where he first saw me.

"Can you do it again, but faster?" he said.

I swung my head around to look at him and was no match for his pleading eyes. "Okay, but you'd better hold on tight."

Running was quickly becoming one of my favorite things to do as a dragon, probably second only to flying. An exuberant smile never left my muzzle as I sped off to retrace my steps at a gallop. I felt Wes clinging to my neck as I advised, his legs also bracing against my sides. My claws sank into the cool earth as I dashed with ease through the forest. I hurdled over rocks and logs with natural agility, keeping my wings tucked close as I tore through the undergrowth. The land itself appeared to change in front of me. It was like I could see everything with new eyes. With my spirit soaring and my fears forgotten, I no longer viewed this forest as a wild or savage place. Now, it was welcoming—it was my home.

When I stopped again, I had a pleasant heat in my muscles. The exercise gave me a wonderful feeling as I once more experienced the power contained inside my body. My body! I was reminded how good it felt to be something else, to be the thing I was always meant to be. "To think I was beginning to resent these changes!" I thought. "Man, meeting this kid really brought back the best in me." None of this I spoke aloud. I simply let Wes slide off my back and said, "Maybe we should get you back home to your mom."

He stood still for a moment to gather his wits, his hair blown into an even messier coif after my sprint. His speech soon returned in an outburst. "That was freakin' amazing! So much better than a roller-coaster."

"I'm glad you had fun. Would you like to meet me back out here tomorrow?"

"Are you kidding? I can't wait! I'll get away right after school's over."

I imagined he would have a hard time paying attention in his classes tomorrow. I, for one, was already looking forward to our next meeting. "If you lead the way, I'd like to see where your house is so I can wait for you tomorrow. At a safe distance, of course."

"Sure, follow me. It's not far from here."

We started walking side-by-side. I kept walking on all fours, noting how comfortable I felt now. As we went, Wes still had a question on his mind. "So, Josh," he began, laughing a little. "Why are you wearing shorts?"

"Why are you wearing shoes?" I retorted. "Because I just feel more comfortable wearing something than not."

"Whatever, dude. It just looks a little silly is all."

I looked at him with whatever passes for a draconic face of amusement, then shoved him playfully with a wing. "Call me silly," I grumbled. "I can still eat you, you know." We both shared a laugh at that.

"Almost there," Wes said after a while.

I looked up and could see a house through the trees about a hundred yards away. We stopped, and Wes surprised me by grabbing my neck in a tight embrace. I lowered my muzzle and brushed the top of his head with my nose. Then, the rumble started in my throat, just like when Alex held me on my bedroom floor after the nightmare. Suddenly homesick, I cut off the purr abruptly and said, "Okay, see you tomorrow, kid."

"Bye," he chirped before running back to his yard. At the edge of the forest, he paused and looked back at me, as if to confirm that I was not some mirage that had disappeared. I raised a paw to signal farewell, and he waved back. His hand then settled on his unkempt locks—a final gesture of speechless wonder from the boy who could now call a dragon his friend.

I ran all the way back to my clifftop home, the woodland trails now starting to work their way into my memory. Landmarks along the path to Wes's house would guide me during my return. I wanted to carry on running right off the cliff and soar into the evening sky, but my cautious rationality kept me on the ground. Instead, I watched the colors of the west. Everything around me seemed to be singing—the chorus of dusk in the forest filled me with serenity as I watched the bursts of watercolor hues blending on the horizon. The flutters of joy and newfound friendship were still upon me. Memories of the day would resurface, and I would catch myself smiling. It was a good day—my first in recent memory.

Time slipped past me as the river's current courses past a steady rock. I was removed from its flow; the sky changed without my notice as I sat in contemplative silence. "I needed this. One good day was all I needed." I started to think that maybe my life was coming back together. The time I spent with Wes made me feel whole, whereas before I was tormented by my split mind. It was a feeling I hoped would continue. Under the stars once again, I curled up, my head finding earth's cool pillow, and slept.

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