1 { Dang It. }

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Y/N arrived to Camp Campbell with a short drive since she didn't live too far away from the old place.
Happy to be there - She has Motion Sickness - she hopped off the bus and pulled her suitcase down.
Immediately, a very tall, skinny man with Red hair and a huge grin on his face.

Y/N Pov:
"Why hello there Y/N! It's great to have a fresh new face here in Camp Campbell! I'm David, your consular!" He grinned. I'm not good at introductions but he looks like I'll be just fine with him.

"Oh, that's nice to know" I smiled back.
David led me around the camp, showing me the flag pole, Mess Haul, and multiple camps? Yeah I don't know.

" And lastly you'll be sharing a tent with Max one of our campers! Stay right here, I'll go get him!" He said and ran off.


The Max? It can't be. I haven't seen him since the fourth grade.
Please don't be him.

I waited around for a good 5 minutes leaning a bit on my suitcase waiting for David as some kids stared at me and whispered.

Great first impression Y/N, great to go.

After - FINALLY - a bit, David came happily back dragging a kid with dark brown hair, and a hoodie is what I could tell.

Oh no no no no no no no.

"I'm back Y/N here's Max! Come and introduce yourself buddy!"

He turned around at first, pretty grumpy but immediately dropped his jaw.


"Y/N? Is that you?" He asked.
"How.. do you know my name?" I lied, trying to pretend I didn't know or remember him.
"Cmon Y/N, it's me, Max from 4th Grade," he looked at me with a tiny bit of hope in his eyes.

"Oh yeah! Now I remember!" I sarcastically said.
"It's soooo great to see you again."

"Oh you two know eachother! Max I didn't know you had a friend!" David said, wiping a tear from his face.
He rolled his eyes.

"So what tent do you have?"

"I'm sharing with.. you," I stuttered, avoiding eye contact with him.

I could even feel him smiling.

"Then I'll go show you where our tent is, go away David." He coldly said.

David happily skipped away and Max grabbed my hand and walked me to his tent.

"Hey Max!" A teal haired girl popped up from his 'closet' which made me have a heart attack.

"Ooooh! You must be the newbie!" The girl said.
She stood up, dusted off her arms, and held out her hand.

"Hi! I'm Nikki! The nature loving girl!"

I slightly smiled, and was about to shake her hand when she BIT me!

"AHHHHHHHHHHH! Get off! Get off!"
Max pushed Nikki and stood proud.

"There ya go Y/N."

I rolled my eyes, out my suitcase down on my side of the tent and walked out.

This is going to be a looonnnnggggg summer.


Hi! I made a new story and deleted my last one for this, so I hope you enjoy!
Also don't worry, Max won't go Yandere ;)

Weirdo - A Camp Camp Max x Reader ( COMPLETED )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz