9 { The fourth Wall }

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Y/N POV ———

Me, Max, Nikki, and Neil were messing around in David's room while he was practicing his 'smile exercises' outside next to the lake.

Being the little shits we can be, we decided to go see what he has in store. You know... for fun. It's literally the only thing keeping me today from trying to escape, again.

And I managed to drag along Evelyn too, 'cause, why not?

"Guys look at this!" Nikki exclaimed! Grabbing something off the wall.

"Maybe it's something we can blackmail David with.." I smirked, nudging Max in the shoulder, making him grin mischievously as well.

We all looked and saw a photo of Mr.Campbell with two adults — one boy and one girl — smiling with a whole bunch of children smiling as well.
Campbell was holding a staff which looked weird.
But I noticed something really odd about it.

"Guys! That's David as a kid!" I pointed to a kid who looked just like him, just, young.

He had that floor in his hair and was wearing a vest with a yellow shirt though.

"Who's that kid next to him?" Neil said.

Max's face went blank.

"Uh, Max?" I waved my hand infront of his face.

"That's the kid we saw at spooky island." He blurred out, his voice monotone and cold.

"Holy shit." I said.

"Nobody cares!!!" I pushed his face and stood up.

"Hey!" He pushed my side.

We ended up almost getting into a fight before Evelyn broke it up.

"Guys guys! Break it up! We don't need or want to get caught!" Her accent made her look and sound more terrifying.

"...sorry." I mumbled.

Max simply put his hands in his pocket and walked away.


We continued searching through David's stuff, it got pretty boring though.

...until I found his phone.

I didn't want to tell anyone so I just opened it up.
He had a password. I sighed.

I thought of just putting in the easiest number in the book: 0000.

Bingo, it opened.

His phone background was trees and he had a tinder? Weird, I'll figure that one out later.

I found the YouTube app after investigating his phone for a minute and praying nobody got suspicious of my quietness.
Opening it up, all of his feed was tree and forest documentaries. There was a few videos like:

• How to get along with kids
•Fun Summer Activities for kids!
•How to survive summer

And so forth.

I searched up some musical animatics and was scrolling through the recommended when I saw something extremely creepy.

A channel called Roosterteeth had a video called "CampCamp"

"What the fuck?!" I said aloud which got everyone's attention.

"What's so fucked up this time?" I heard Max groan.
"Ooooh! I wanna see!" Nikki squealed.

They huddled around me and I showed them the video.

Max's reaction "Why would someone stalk this lameass camp?"
Nikki's Reaction "Wait I'm on a TV show?"
Neil's reaction — wait, he just freaked and fainted.
Evelyn's reaction "but I don't see any camera crews anywhere..."

I freaked out but we all decided to keep it a secret. I don't want the FBI to come after us.

"Well let's go while we can—"

"Kids? What are you doing with my phone?" David opened the door and we froze.


A/N ————

Sorry for the filler chapter!!

The next chapter will be important I promise!

Word Count : 570 Words

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