8 { Look.. }

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Y/N POV ————

I looked at Max. I don't know if I was glancing, frowning, or smiling.
Then, before he could talk, I chattered away:

"Look, Max, this crap of a mess is all my fault.." I sighed, his eyes widened a bit.

"Buuuuuttt..." I glared at him for a second before returning to my soft smile?
"It is partially your fault too."

I sat down next to him, our feet now dangling from the dock, us both staring into the depths of the lake.
I spotted a space facts book with some moss on it. Huh.

"You kept pushing me and pushing me. I probably would've been nicer if you actually gave me a chance to give my opinion on everything." I stated, looking at Max.
He sighed, shoving his hands in his hoodie pocket.

"Yeah, I did do a lot of shit I shouldn't have...."  He said, a tint of sadness and disappointment in his voice.

I stood up after a while of us just sitting there, starling Max a bit.

"For now, lets just be friends." I said. "We need to try to build a better relationship. But romantic is out of the picture." My tone went cold at the end.

"I'm not looking for any boyfriend...." I looked to the corner of my eye.
"Or girlfriend right now, Evelyn."

Evelyn flinched and with a sad face, walked away.

"I'll make it up to you don't worry!" I yelled back before returning to Max.

We stared into the sky for just a moment.


"Just friends?" I held out my hand.

Max was hesitant. But, he grabbed my hand and shook it.

"Just friends." He said.

Then he pushed me int the water.
"If we're friends now, I can treat you like everyone else here!" He laughed before running away.

I swam up to the water, grabbing the space facts book.


Max POV ———

Friend zone sucks.

A/N ————

I'll go more into Evelyn and Y/N's relationship later. For now, I'm focusing on making Max and Y/N's relationship not as...bad. In plot and story wise. So I hope you enjoyed!

Word Count - 363 Words

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