11 { Eveyln + Jealousy }

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Y/N POV ————

I was hoping for today to be a good day since it was Wednesday. Which that also meant we could do whatever we wanted that day too!
So I decided to hang out with Evelyn more instead of what I normally do; try to escape camp.
I walked on over to her tent and zipped it slightly open.

"Hey Evelyn?" I asked," You decent?"

"Yep, you can come in."

I nodded, unzipping the whole flap and crawling in.
Currently, she was carving something out of wood.
"Whatcha carving?" I looked at the wood piece.

"I'm making a tiny sword to fight Nikki with." She chuckled.
"The other day I was chatting with Nikki near the mess haul and she wanted to play-fight with me but I said I'd fight more prepared." She started forming the handle part.
"So here I am now, making this sword."

"Hey can I try and make one?" Screw the splinters, I can take risks!
She paused and looked up at me, surprised.
"Really? Are you sure?" She pointed the sword at me, her eyes clearly suspicious.
I grinned.
"Sure! I always wanted to carve stuff but my parents never had the time to buy the supplies for me."

Her eyes lit up.

"Well okay then! Just a sec, I gotta go outside and grab some wood— wait, what do you want to make?"

I paused and mentally facepalmed.
"Oh yeah."

"Um.. how about a... axe?" I'm pretty sure it sounded like a question more than a statement but, whatever.

"Okay sounds good! I'll go get the wood right now!" She smiled and got out of the tent.

Evelyn POV ————

I got outside and walked to the back of the quartermaster store. That's where my source was.
I don't know why there's wood there but hey, I'm not complaining.

Just as I stepped a few feet away from the tent, Max popped out from nowhere and gave me one of his classic death stares.

"Evelyn." He growled at me.

Let's play nice today.

"Hello Max." I smiled sweetly. "What can I do for you today?"

He pushed me up against a tree trunk, gripping onto my shoulders.


"Cut the shit and shut up." Max barked ( hehe, barked ).

"Why the fuck are you being so close to Y/N?"

I sighed, my heart still hurt.

" I'm not Max. Look, I'll be honest with you. I do like her but I know she doesn't like me back. I've accepted that." I flat out said.

"And you need to realize she doesn't like you back. I know, it sucks! It really does. But you need to get over it and accept it." My voice now serious.
His eyes flashed guilt but went back to his cold stare.

"Also.." I kicked his groin which made him fall to the floor and let me go.

"You should really understand as well not all girls are damsel in distress." I brushed off my dress and walked to go get the wood.


"Your sword looks super good Evelyn!" Y/N gushed.
"Have you been doing this for a while?"

"Uh, yeah I have!" I blushed.
Keep it in.
"I've been doing it since I was 9. My step mom got me into it since she creates this type of stuff."

"That's cool." Y/N looked down at her axe.
She sighed.
"Mine looks like shit."

"No it doesn't!" I raised my voice.
"Yours looks really good for your first carve!" I said.
"Really?" She smiles softly, the butterflies in my stomach were piling and piling onto me. I was probably blushing.. again..


Then.. there was this awkward silence of us staring at each other. And this boost of confidence came in out of nowhere and....
I kissed her.

And she didn't pull back.

Max POV ————

I was outside their tent listening to them talk. I'm not a stalker so shut up.

But they went all silent.

So I risked it and peeled inside and saw them kissing?

Something snapped. I was fucking pissed.

Really, fucking pissed.

A/N ————

Woop de doop! Drama!
So just for your information, I'm not going to do a make out scene for any of the characters since their underage and 12 year olds don't make out.
So yeah. Maybe in a sequel when their older but I'm still bad at that type of stuff.
Anyways! I'm not making Max Yandere! But he'll get close to that.. very close.
I know this was bad but hey, it's a longer chapter!
So see ya!

Word Count : 765 Words

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