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Y/N woke up, very tired but happy Max was out of the tent already.
She walked to the Mess Haul to eat some breakfast; Eggs, Bacon, and some orange slices.
She ate the food glancing around the small building, not much was going on except everyone looking very depressed.

I was kinda eyeing Harrison and Max was glaring at him.

Once everyone finished eating, David gathered us up and told us we were going to watch a show from him coincidentally.
I sat down and Nikki sat down next to me?
"Hey Y/N! Sorry about the hand thing, it's about dominance and stuff, you know the usual." She said.
I decided to go along with it so maybe I wouldn't have Max follow me everywhere I went.
"Oh, okay, that's good to know!" I smiled.
"Okay everyone time for the talent show to start!" David beamed.
Oh course, everyone groaned except Harrison who happily walked up to the 'stage'.
"Thank you David, and for today's performance will be a bit different," he said bowing.
I slightly tilted my head while I could practically feel him staring at me.

I ignored it, like usual and went back to what Harrison was doing.
Apparently, he made a nice little show and had the end as a 'surprise'.
Once the end came, he stopped, and looked at me.
"Y/N, mind if you be my assistant for this final performance?" He asked, gently.
I felt safer with him than with Max or I should say I just wanted to get away from Max in general so I took his offer.
I hopped onto the stage and waited his instructions.
He grabbed his top hat - which was personally to me adorable - and handed it to me.
"Now, think of a random fruit first things first," Harrison straitened his suit a bit.
I thought.
"Now, stand back a bit and let me work my magic," he grinned.
I rolled my eyes, unamused.
I knew he was trying to impress me, ever since I was little I've been the pretty girl every guy wants and every girl is jealous of. But I hate it.
I always hear:
"Y/N that hoodie and bun looks amazing like always!"
"Y/N your eyes are so pretty, I wish mine could be like them"

Harrison waves his arms around and Max started to look nauseous.
"Ugh, I don't feel so-" Max got interrupted by throwing up at button??
Preston ( who was next to him ) presses it and out of the hat I was still holding was a fruit cake of neatly cut ( f/f ( favorite fruit ) ).

"Woah, this is.. actually really cool Harrison! Nice trick!" I thought it was going to be a lame rose like other guys but at least it was unique.
"H-heh, thanks!" He sheepishly smiles.
David squealed like a little kid and gathered us up for lunch in the Mess hall.
I was sitting down, eating at the dyed mashed potatoes, they're probably poisoned, eh.
Max slammed his food down and groaned which made me jump.
"Watch my food. I'm having a talk with Harrison." Max gritted his teeth, grabbed Harrison by the shirt collar, and dragged him away.

I was scared so after waiting a few seconds of making a small plan, I sneaked around to the shady back of the mess haul building and heard voices.
Peaking my head a tad to see I saw...
Oh no..

Max held Harrison up to the tree, his pocket knife close to his throat.

"And if you EVER, try to do anything like that with Y/N again, I WON'T hesitate. Got it?" He almost yelled.
Before Harrison could do anything, I ran out and pushed Max out of the way.

"Harrison! Run!" I hollered.
He quickly nodded and sprinted away.
Once it was just me and Max, I snapped.

"What. The actual, Fuck."

Weirdo - A Camp Camp Max x Reader ( COMPLETED )Where stories live. Discover now