Chapter 10

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As Letta watched the trio leave the farm yard, her attention turned to the main house. The front door slowly creaked open. An older woman peeked out to see if Emella and her men had left. Letta sobbed in confusion as the old woman approached her. She eased down in front of her and offered her hand, "Come child, let me tend to your wounds."

Letta's body shook as she eased off of the ground. She gasped as the woman threw her arm over her shoulder to lead her to the house. She eased her on her stomach a straw bed.

Letta tried to swallow her sobs as she spoke, "Thank you."

The woman smiled at her words. She pursed her lips as she ripped open the back of Letta's dress and started to place ointment on her lacerations.

"I have a granddaughter about your age. I was Emella's nurse maid. She placed me here when she thought I betrayed her in one of her many schemes. She threatened to kill my granddaughter if I ever left more than a day."

"How long have you been here?" Letta shivered as she continued to place the ointment on her back.

"Ten years."

Letta tried to contain her sob, but failed to do so.

"Letta. I see great things for you. Do not worry. This one is not your fate."

Letta stuttered as she spoke, "Hhoow.. do you know?"

The old woman sighed, "I saw you coming. I'm a soothsayer, so is my granddaughter Agitha."

Letta raised herself up and turned to the woman, "Agitha? She is the soothsayer that Emella used in her plot against Demetrio. She lied about her and said she foresaw her pregnancy."

The old woman smiled and pressed her eyes closed, "She is alive then."

"What is your name?"

The old woman eased her eyes open as she answered Letta, "Sarah."

"I shall forever be grateful to you." Letta turned back to the straw bed and laid her throbbing head down to rest.

Sarah's lip slightly quivered at the sight of her back as she pictured her granddaughter taking Letta's place. Her heart broke for the young girls pain.

The next day, Sarah met Emella at the farm gate. She smirked as she Sarah handed Letta's bloody dress. "Perfect, wouldn't want anyone to search for her now do we?"

Sarah's chest heaved as she watched Emella leave, "If I could only get my hands around her throat."

Demetrio's eyes widened as Emella presented Letta's dress to Merick. Merick grabbed the garment as he fell to his knees and sobbed. Emella kept a blank face as she watched his suffering. She then noticed Demetrio coldly staring at her, she briefly locked eyes with him then turned away. Demetrio leaned down to his father and rubbed his shoulder to comfort him. Merick would never be the same again in mind or soul.

***** Four Months Later****

Aaron peeked around the the massive column of the main town square. He scanned the street for his brother Michael. They were both military scouts for the Legatus (A military governor). With the civil war between Constantine and Maxentius, Aaron and Michael searched for weakness in the great city for later attacks. Maxentius had been in Verona for months hiding and biding his time. The two brothers were also scouting Maxentius sympathizers that may be a threat later to Constantine. Aaron finally had a sigh of relief as he spotted his brother exit a house of ill repute.

Michaels grin reached from ear to ear as he strolled to his brother, "Brother, you should have joined me in the splendor."

Aaron rolled his eyes in amusement. The mood was shaken by a small troop of guards turning the corner. Both groups paused as they studied one another. Aaron and Michael looked at one another and then sprinted away into the dark. The troops were not far behind.

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