Chapter 21

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Letta let out a relaxed sigh as they rode back to their house. Aaron was enjoying holding her to him as they slowly rode his horse. Curiosity got the better of him, "Letta?"

"Hmm.. yes Aaron..?"

"The black smith on the farm.. Who was he?" Aaron was eager to hear her response.

"Oh, that's Johnathan.... Why do you ask..?"

"I don't want you alone with him anymore..."

Letta slightly turned her head back as she tried to understand, "Why..?"

"Just from your age and your appearance, men will try to take advantage of you." Aaron stared at her long neck as they rode.

"What's wrong with my appearance?" Letta was hurt by his words.

"Well.. nothing is wrong with it, but your figure is what most men seek." Aaron hoped that he didn't offend or hurt her from his choice of words.

Letta slightly chuckled, "Aaron, I believe your wrong on the matter. Men do not seek me out.."

"Your wrong.. You are quite.." Aaron stopped himself before he confessed his attraction to her.

"I'm quite what Aaron?"
Letta turned her cheek to listen.

Aaron was slightly annoyed that he couldn't tell her the truth, "Just heed my warning. I'm just trying to protect you."

"Thank you Aaron, but as soon as I find my own income, you will be free of me and no longer have to worry about me."

Letta gasped as Aaron grabbed her arm and turned her to face him, "What game are you playing at?"

Letta searched his eyes for the reason for his anger, "I.. what did I say..?"

"Your not leaving.. You said you would stay.." Aaron's chest heaved as he contained his anger.

"But I don't plan to leave the city.. I thought that's what you meant. I can't be a burden to you forever. Maybe someone will ask for my hand.."

Letta's brow wrinkled as Aaron tightened his grasp, "Marriage? Is that what you want?"

Letta nervously looked down in embarrassment, "I know, I'm not the most sought after woman, but I still have some qualities."

Aaron's anger eased as he realized how clueless she was to her wit and beauty, "Letta.. Please look at me.."

Letta shook her head no as she cried, "Please don't tease me, I know why Demetrio chose Emella over me.. I'm too plain and poor.."

Aaron forced her face up with the top of his finger, "No, she can never compare to you. Don't ever think that again." Aaron had to contain himself from pressing his lips to hers to make her see how desirable she was. 

He was taken back as she hugged him, "You are a good friend Aaron, please don't ever change. Promise me we will always be friends."

Aaron's expression darken as he hugged her back, "Promise. On my life, no one will ever hurt you again." He then thought to himself, "No other man deserves you. When we wed, no man shall touch you. You don't know it yet, but you are mine."


Later in the afternoon noon, Aaron was walking by Claudia's parlor, he heard chattering and giggles as he approached. His eyes widened as he pulled back Claudia's parlor curtain and saw ten your women batting their eyes at him. Claudia smirked at his surprise, "Hello brother. It seems you have company."

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