Chapter 15

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Letta shivered in the corner of the empty farm house; it had been two months since Sarah was murdered. She was sick and weak from the lack of food. Emella and her men had left her one goat and one hen. Six nights before, Letta was awaken by a cry in the night. It was pouring rain, but she went out anyway. The goat had tried to escape the fence, but as it had jumped, it empaled itself on a pitch fork. That was Letta's last supply of milk. She stared blankly as she did a mercy killing for the poor animal. Into the deep night, she dressed the animal for meat. Unfortunately, with her being wet and cold while breathing in the night air, she was now running a high fever and barked as she coughed. Her eyes slowly drifted close to open as she fought sleep. Letta ached all over, her ribs felt as though they were broken from her coughing fits. She anticipated Emella and her men to show up any day now, but they never came. She was forgotten. Her fight with sleep finally consumed her as her eyes eased closed, maybe for the last time.


Aaron rode as fast as he could to the farm, he hid by day and traveled by night. He was accompanied by just one other man in his legion by the name of Garrett. Behind them was one other horse with two recently deceased women. Aaron had yet to tell Garrett his need for them, but he was sure there was a good reason this military genius carried them.

Aaron held up his hand for Garrett to fall back as they approached the gate. As Aaron dismounted his horse, there was a clap of thunder. The heavens opened and started to pour. Aaron had a feeling of dread as he approached the house. He noticed a freshly dug grave to the left of the barn. His eyes widened with fear, "Im too late." His eyes quickly turned to the house as he grabbed his sword when he heard coughing coming from the shell of a house. He crept up slowly and pushed the wooden door open. In a far corner Letta was shivering uncontrollably.

Aaron quickly secured his sword and eased down to Letta and patted her face, "Letta..? Can you hear me...?"

Letta was awake but delirious.

"Letta.. Where is Sarah..?" Aaron had sad eyes as he noticed Letta's expression turned to sorrow. He knew then the grave outside was hers. "Letta.. Please forgive me for being too late."

Aaron turned to the doorway as Garrett entered the house, "Is she ill?"

Aaron silently nodded.

"Sir, she will not make it if we take her. The rain..."

"And she'll die if we leave her! Go get the younger body and be quick about it."

Garret bowed then left to complete his task. Aaraon scooped up the convulsing Letta and covered her the best he could with a wool blanket. Garrett entered the house and placed the wrapped dead body in the corner where she had been laying. Aaron watched as he poured lamp oil on it and all over the farm house floor and lit it on fire. The men quickly exited. Aaron placed Letta on his horse and mounted behind her. He watched as Garrett set the barn on fire, after that he placed a black flag on the fence to signal a fatal illness for good measure.  Aaron was glad Letta was not awake to see the destruction of the last place she had called home.


Claudia gently patted Letta's feverish head as she shivered below her bed covers. Letta silently begged for sleep, "If only I could relax... My body hurts from all this shaking."

"Here Letta, drink.." Claudia smiled as she eased the cup to Letta's lips. "You poor dear.."

Aaron stared from a distance, tucking his thump nail between his lips, as his sister attended to Letta's every need. His eyes continued to stay locked on Letta as Michael entered the bed chamber. "So you are back!" Michaels happy face turned to distress as he turned his attention to Letta's terrible cough. "She's I'll? Where is the other woman you mentioned?" He turned back to Aaron for an answer.

Aaron sternly cut his eyes to Michael then back to Letta. Michael looked to Letta again, "I see."

Aaron slowly walked up to the bed side and placed a hand on Claudias shoulder. She turned her gaze up to him and smiled, "Do not fret brother. I've healed worse. You must join your men. I will send word if her condition does not change for the better."

Aaron patted Claudias shoulder as he looked to a sleeping Letta, "Give Cecilia a kiss for me."

"Of course."

Aaron turned to Michael and nodded for him to follow his lead. Michael feel in line behind him, "So brother or should I say, new governor. How long do we plan to be away for this time?"

"Two months to a quarter, Verona is ours for the taking."

Michael chuckled at his brothers tone. Aaron was a man of reason, but he was one not to be underestimated. Especially when it came to justice.

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