Chapter 33

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Letta's  anxiety grew as she waited for Emella to enter the empty banquet hall. She sat silently under the banquet table hidden by a table cloth. She held her breath as she heard Emella's feet approached. She was humming a carefree tune as she carried two goblets of wine. Letta watched her poured the drug into one of the cups as she smirked. Little did Emella know she was spinning her own trap. Earlier, Letta had calculated Emella's actions; she had carefully placed a decretive silver plate on the side serving table as a centerpiece, she then placed a thinner silver plate on the floor under the table next to her; this way she could see the larger plates reflection easily. 

The silence was broken as Emella turned to Aaron as he entered, "There you are. I thought you stood me up, but no man can refuse me."

Aaron smirked as he slowly approached her and stopped.  As Emella had her back turned to the table, he watched as Letta peeked from under the table and quietly switched the goblets. "We will see."

Emella confidently shrugged and circled him like a vulture ready to pounce, "So, the innocent Letta captured your heart. How amusing."

"What part is so comical?" Aaron tried his best to keep his temper in check.

Emella scoffed, "She is not as innocent as everyone thinks she is. She has every one fooled including you."

Aaron rolled his eyes as he approached the goblets. He knew his actions would frightened her of her plan. Emella scurried in front of him to block his actions, "Allow me."

Emella turned to the goblets and handed Aaron the one from her right hand. He smirked and raised his glass, "To my dear wife Letta, may I continue to deserve her."

Emella pursed her lips until she watched Aaron hold his goblet up as he waited for her to do the same. They both watched each other drink from the vessels with suspicion.

Letta was anxious to see how long Emella drug would kick in.

As Emella brought her goblet away from her lips, she smiled her evil smile, "Like I said. She has everyone fooled. Telling all that rubbish about my men beating her."

Aaron stared straight ahead as she circled him, "Why wouldn't I believe her?"

Emella studied his form as she spoke, "Were their witnesses to this supposed beating?" Emella's finger tip lightly caressed his lower neck. "I think not.."

Aaron shuttered at her touch. Emella scowled at him. Her speech was slightly slurred as she strolled to him, "I know you want me. I could fuck you better than any woman. Especially that liar you call wife. I bet the bastard in her belly isn't even yours."

Aaron grabbed her wrist as she tried to pull him to a kiss, "That's where your mistaken witch.." Emella angrily searched his eyes, "I was there when your men whipped her. She was my nurse, and you beat her while I had to watch."

Emella whispered through pressed teeth, "What..?!"

Aaron held her off as she repeatedly tried to kiss him. It seems the drug was a heavy Aphrodisiac. Letta slightly growled as she crawled from under the table. She ran to the side table and grabbed the big silver plate. Aaron continued to hold Emella's wrist as she fought him.

Letta positioned herself behind Emella and cleared her throat; when Emella quickly turned to investigate, Letta  giggled as she reared back and struck her chin with the object. Emella feel to the floor out cold.

Aaron smiled at Letta as she beamed with her hands on her hips. He bit his bottom lip as he stepped over Emella and picked up Letta by her waist and kissed her.


Demetrio roughly knocked on the Head Administrators door, "Head Administrator! Please sir a word!"

The Administrator opened the door as he rubbed his eyes, "What is the meaning of this?"

Demetrio proudly held his chin up, "Sir, I believe Aaron and my wife are committing adultery."

The Head Administrator glared at him, "If you are falsely accusing him, I can not warn you of the outcome."

Demetrio lead the Administrator to Aaron's room. He eagerly knocked on the door. The Head Administrator pressed his ear to the door, "Hmm... I do hear voices, but.."

Demetrio pushed him out of the way and pushed the door open, "I caught you whore.."

Letta gasped as she quickly covered herself as she straddled Aaron.

Demetrio was stunned at her naked form. His shock face turned to a glare as he spoke to Aaron, "Where is Emella?"

Aaron chuckled as he carelessly pulled on his robe, "You know your in the wrong room..?"

Demetrio eyes quickly cut to Letta as she pressed her bed covers to her chest. Then back to Aaron.

Aaron asked again, "I don't need an audience with my wife, so if you would excuse me.. I have something to discuss with her."

Demetrio shook with anger as he spoke, "Filthy whore.."

Aaron placed his hands on his hips, "You shouldn't call Emella such names."

Demetrio smirked, "I wasn't, I meant her."

Letta bit her bottom lip as Demetrio pointed to her.

Aaron kept his gaze locked on Demetrio as he spoke to the Head Administrator, "As I said before, I believe his time as Governor has come to an end. Clearly he is not well."

Demetrio squinted as his head snapped to Aaron, "What?!"

Aaron bit his lips as he smiled, "The Administrator is concerned with your obsession over my wife. We feel it best that you step down instead of public humiliation ."

Demetrio turned his eyes to Letta, "So, you have lied about Emella, and now have destroyed my political career. You should be very proud of yourself."

Letta shook her head, "Demetrio.."

Aaron closed the space between them as he leaned in front of Demetrio face, "Get out of my sight, before I behead you for insulting my wife."

Demetrio sneered at Aaron's words. He quickly turned and took his leave.

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