Chapter 13

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"Good morning Letta."

Letta eased her eyes open to find Aaron setting next to her on the straw bed.

"I've prepared you breakfast." He gently eased the plate into her hands. Letta looked down at the food then back to him in question. "Don't worry, its eatable." Letta nodded and started to feast. She was surprised from Aaron's cooking skills. "I must be going soon, the longer I stay the more dangerous it is for all of us."

Letta looked down and nodded again. Aaron's heart sank, "Letta I promise I will get both of you out of here." He lightly grabbed her hand.

Letta pulled it away, "You can't. Our loved ones.."

"With Constantine gaining ground, Rome will be over Verona very soon. She will then pay for what she has done to you."

Letta pressed her eyes closed, "I do not wish this upon my worst enemy. I just want my freedom."

Aaron was taken back by her humbleness, most anyone would wish death to Emella, but not her. "Can you tell me the way to the river pass?"

Letta nodded as she began to draw a map in the dirt for Aaron to remember, "You must go by night, to many scouts during the day. I can go with you. Emella's men do not come at night."

Aaron gave an uneasy smirk and nod at her response. Letta watched as he eased up from the straw bed and picked up the milking bucket. She squinted in confusion as she noticed Aaron walking to the cow stall. He was completing her daily chores. It had been so long long since she had a day of rest. Even though the farm was small, it was difficult for Letta and Sarah to get all the work done. Some days it was till dusk when they had finally finished.

Letta hummed her hypnotic tune and closed her eyes as she turned to her belly to sleep.

The next night, Letta and Aaron set out on their task. It was just before night fall, they carefully slipped through the night watchmen and made their way to a safe river crossing for Aaron. When it was time for him to cross he turned to Letta to speak but she shook her head. He pursued his lips shut and shook her hand instead. Letta watched from  thick brush as she watched him cross. It was sad to think that she would never see him again, but it lifted her heart for someone to know what had happened to her. Se was not completely forgotten, but still existed.

Two days later, Aaron finally arrived to his great house. Claudia his older sister and  younger brother Michael came rushing out to greet him.

Claudia had tears of joy in her eyes, "We thought you dead, but here you are!" Aaron groaned as she squeezed his side wound, "Oh your injured!"

"No.. I'm fine. I'm actually on the mend. "

Michael steeped forward with curiosity, "Who healed your wound?"

"It's a long story, but first I must speak to Havis." Aaron pushed past his siblings as he walked to his room to clean up.

Two hours later Aaron stood before his legions Captin Havis. He expelled all of Veronas riches and geographical advantages and weaknesses, but never spoke of Letta or Sarah. He promised this before he left.

Havis smiled at his young protege, "Well done Aaron, we shall plan to attack next quarter."

"Next quarter sir?"

Havis turned a questionable brow to him, "Is something wrong with my decision?"

Aaron looked down as he spoke, "No sir, but with winter approaching, most of their man power would be directed to supplement their supplies. Technically , scavenging."

"I will pass it on to the chief administrator, again well done." Aaron slightly bowed and took his leave.

His brow wrinkled with worry, "Yes there would be scavenging, and if Emella's house loses there goods, they would certainly take Letta's." He had to think of something and quickly.

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