Chapter 32

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"Mmm.. " Letta giggled as Aaron placed soft kisses on her lower abdomen.

He smirked as he spoke to their unborn child, "I know it is against your power, but you are making your mother most ill..."

Letta gently hit him with a pillow as he chuckled. Aaron bit his lip as he crawled up to Letta's face. He stared at her lips then her eyes, "Why did you not tell me?"

Letta's smile slowly eased away as she ran her finger tip on his chest, "I.. I didn't want you to worry. I knew you needed to focus on the Administrators holiday. "

Aaron brushed his lips against hers as he spoke, "No more secrets, if we are to outsmart them, we have to tell each other every thing."

Letta nodded as she looked into his eyes, "Are you happy I'm with child? It's not too soon?"

Aaron chuckled, "Letta, it was my wish to have you with child as soon as possible. I can't imagine a better way of my love growing for you." Aaron slightly cocked his head, "Are you happy that you are having my child?"

Letta's smile widened as she circled her arms around his neck, "Oh yes! I love the thought of being a mother."

Aaron leaned down and brushed his lips against her eager ones, "Then I shall keep you with child. As long as I can."

Letta finally captured his kiss as her toes curled from his affection.


Demetrio stomped into his bed chamber. Emella was silently sitting on the bed waiting for his return. He silently stared at her with a blank stare then charged her and pressed his hand against her throat. Emella gasped as she tried to fight him.

Her eyes widened with fear as his voice sounded possessed as he choked her, "All I ever wanted! She! Was all I ever wanted, not you, not ever! She is with his child! And you.. your nothing but a worthless pice of cunt!"

Emella closed her eyes as she wanted to sob at his cruel words. He released her throat and flipped her on her stomach. Emella tried to squirm out of his grasp as he lifted her dress. She cried out as he thrusted into her. Emella sobbed with every thrust as he moaned Letta's name. He finally grunted a he finished with her. Emella rolled away from him and slipped of of the bed as she sobbed on the floor. She quietened her sobs as he spoke, "Why do you cry? You wanted me to fuck you the night you seduced me.. Now you cry when I take you.. You asked for this life.. Deal with it.."

Emella folded herself into a ball on the stone floor and cried herself to sleep.

Aaron smiled as he held Letta's hand as they lead the Governors and their wives  to the city farm. Emella and Demetrio both glared at the happy couple. Emella painfully pursed her lips as she stared at Letta. She then smirked at the idea of bedding Aaron and breaking her for good. She was past the point of what her husband would do. Letta would suffer from her hand, but if she could steal Aaron, he would not retaliate if he had Letta. She would talk him into her scheme, then she would be truly happy.


"What are you afraid of Demetrio! Afraid you can't compare to Aaron in bed?" Emella smirked as she circled him.

Demetrio's chest heaved as he stared straight forward, "How will we get away with this?"

"We will drug them of course." She leaned up to his ear, "Just as I did you."

Demetrio turned an angry brow to his wife, "Do not drug Letta, only Aaron. Once she catches you bedding  him, she will run to me."

Emella shrugged, "As you wish husband."

Aaron smirked as as flopped a note from Emella into Letta's lap. He watched as she moved her lips as she silently read it. She gave him an irritated look and spoke in a love sick voice,"Honestly? "I must speak with you alone sir Aaron, I'm not the beast your wife declares that I am?"

Aaron crossed his arms as he bit his lip, "So what's her catch?"

Letta rolled her eyes, "I've explained that to you. She will try to bed you and break me."

"I'm not the least bit enticed. How would she?" Aaron crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned against his desk.

"She will drug your wine. Thats why she wants you alone." Letta leaned her head back to the side and smirked to him.

"Well.. lets see.. How could you capture this spider?"

Letts stared off into space as a smile eased across her face, "May I crush her with my shoe?"

Aaron chuckled as he pushed off from his desk, "Lets not ruin a perfectly good shoe.." He then bent down and kissed the top of her head.

"Well.. Lets catch the spider in her own web." Letta turned her eyes up to him.

Aaron smiled his devilish smile as he looked upon her.

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