Chapter 1

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"We'll be back next Tuesday." My Mom told Grayson and I for the thousandth time.

"Yeah Mom we get it." Grayson mutters completely annoyed. I was a little annoyed too. Our parents were leaving for a business trip and our mom keeps hounding us about not getting into any trouble and all that stuff. What does she think is going to happen? Of course we're not going to be perfectly behaved. We're 17 year old boys.

"Bye Mom." Grayson says almost pushing her out the door. I wave goodbye as both our mom and Dad step out the door with their bags and head towards their car.

Almost as soon as the door closes Grayson turns towards me. "So what do you wanna do?" He ask with a smirk. I know exactly what he's implying.

"We're not gonna throw a party Grayson." I say rolling my eyes and making my way towards the kitchen. I know I'll be the one picking everything up and I'm not in the mood for that.

"Come on. Ariel will come." He says moving his eyebrows.

"She doesn't like parties." I say knowing that she hates the idea of drugs and alcohol.

"But her boyfriend does. You know he'll make her come." He says truthfully. He was probably right. Alex always pushed her into doing things she wasn't comfortable doing which wasn't right but I have no say in what happens between them two.

"Sometimes I hate the fact that I told you I like her." I mutter reaching into the fridge for a drink. All he seems to do is point out all the things I hate about her being with Alex and it always leads up to me sulking in my room wishing that I was the one with her.

"Why don't you just tell her you like her. Maybe she hates Alex just as much as you do." Grayson shrugs leaning against the counter and folding his arms over his chest.

"You and I both know that that's not true. She's blind. She can't see just how bad he is for her." I mutter taking a sip of my drink. Just the thought of Alex and the way he treats Ariel makes my blood boil.

"Sometimes I wonder why she's with him. She's a smart girl. She should know better." Grayson points out.

"That's exactly what I've been saying this whole time but if you try to talk to her about it she gets defensive." I say remembering back to when they first started dating. When they first started dating I heard about it from everyone at school. She didn't even tell me at first. She probably didn't because she knows he has a bad reputation. He's cheated on all of his past girlfriends and never treated any of them well but she's always had a crush on him so of course anything I said went right over her head or started an argument.

"When was the last time you talked to her?" Grayson ask Breaking me away from my thoughts. This question sparks more hatred for Alex because now I realize that I haven't spoken to her in days. That's not normal for us. We usually talk to each other everyday.

"Maybe a few days ago." I mutter looking down at my drink.

"Let me guess she's been up his ass the past few days." He jokes. I just nod because he was entirely right. He's always at her locker and they ride to and from school together. They're never away from each other it seems like. At least this way we know that that douche bag isn't cheating on her, assuming he hasn't already.

"Bro you need to talk to her. You need to figure out what's going on between them." Grayson says as if a light bulb went on in his head.

"Grayson, I don't exactly like to hear about her loving someone else." I say rolling my eyes because whenever she talks about him my heart breaks a little. For some reason she's infatuated by him and it hurts. I wish it was me she was infatuate with.

"No Ethan. I bet somethings going on that you don't know about. Just look at him. If you act like her complete best friend again then you'll know what's happening and then you can be there for her. Girls love guys that are always there when they need them." He points out with a grin. I smile a little at how excited he is about his idea. He could be right.

"Then the party's on." I say raising my glass dramatically above my head. Grayson returns my smirk. He walks across the kitchen grabs a drink out of the fridge and turns to me.

"To getting the girl of you dreams." He says holding his glass up for a toast. I clink my glass with his and chuckle. God I hope this kid knows what he's talking about.

So this is the first chapter.

I hope you guys liked it :)

I'm really excited about this book.

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