Chapter 21

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Ethan's POV:

I turn my head to look at her and I decide to be first to break the silence that fell over us after we were done making love to each other. "Why do you love him so much?" I blurt.

"I-I don't think I do." She mutters not breaking her stare. From the ceiling. "Why did you go back then?" She lets out a sigh at my question as if she's been asked this a million times and she's sick of answering it even though no ones asked her. "I'm in love with the thought of him. I'm in love with the fact that he was my first love. I'm attached to him in a certain way. Like a part of me will always want to go back." I'm speechless I don't know what to say. "Now I realize there's someone better." She says with a grin and rolling into her side to face me. I copy her actions so we're facing each other. "Oh really?" I tease. She just chuckles.

"Who is it?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows. God I hope it's me or I'd look like a complete idiot. "Well... his names grayson." She says like a love sick stereotypical teenage girl. I freeze up. Grayson? You're kidding. "I'm kidding. It's you." She says playfully shoving my shoulder and laughing. I just chuckle awkwardly because for a second I was worried.

"How about you?" She ask looking back into my eyes. I furrow my eyebrows confused. "You in love itch anyone?" She adds. I just grin. "Yes I am. I have been since 7th grade." A large smile spreads across her face. "God, a smile looks good on you." I mutter leaning in a little. "Whoever this girl is must be pretty lucky." She jokes. "Shut up and kiss me." I mutter and smash my lips into hers. It's gentle. It's a peck that lingers. It's a kiss that sends a warmth through your whole body. As we pull away we're both smiling and staring at each other.

"We should uh probably put some clothes on." I say killing the mood as I look at the time. Grayson will be home soon. At least I don't have to worry about my parents until 8 tonight.

Ariel nods and stands up wrapping the blanket around her naked body. "You know you don't have to hide right?" I ask with a grin as I walk up to my dresser to find her something to wear since her clothes were all soaked. "I'm just used to it I guess." She says with a small chuckle. Alex always made her feel awful about herself. I can tell. She's always so timid. "Well you're beautiful. You have nothing to worry about." I say with a comforting smile as I hand her a shirt and some sweats with a draw string. "Thank you." She mutters quietly. Barely above a whisper and it makes my heart melt.

While she gets dressed in the bathroom I get dressed in my room. As soon as I'm done I hear the bathroom door swing open. "Do you have a towel I can use?" She ask quietly from the doorway. I furrow my eyebrows at her because I have no clue why'd she'd need one. "I just need to uh wipe this makeup off." She says pointing to her smudged makeup from both the rain and what happen not too long ago. "Oh uh yeah." I say standing from my bed and walking into the bathroom and grabbing a towel from the closet. "Is this okay?" I ask holding it up. "Perfect." She says with a smile and I watch her wet the towel and begin to remove her makeup.

I'm watching everything she's doing and she's sneaking glances at me every once in a while. I smile at her as she finishes up and she sets the towel down and turns around to me. I walk up to her and lift her onto the bathroom counter causing her to giggle. I step between her legs and she wraps her arms around m neck.

"So, I've been thinking that maybe you could be my girlfriend." I say moving my eyebrows. This earns a laugh out of her and I smile at her. I love her laugh. "Well you know I did tell Alex I'd get back together with him so technically I'm already taken and I cheated on him." She says raising her eyebrows. "Fuck him." I mutter. "He doesn't even know I left school. He's probably furious." She says rolling her eyes. "So basically what your saying is you'll be my girlfriend." I smile really big in hopes to convince her. "Yes. But only after I break up with Alex." She says sternly. I nod frantically and begin to pepper her face with kisses.

"Hey! Friends don't kiss their friends." She reprimands me. I roll my eyes. "Really? That's what this is gonna be like?" "I'm kidding." She says pulling me into a long passionate kiss. "God Alex is gonna be so fucking mad." She mutters after we pull away.

"I'll go with you. Like when you go to talk to him. I'll make sure he doesn't touch you." I say holding her face in both of her hands. She holds my hands in hers and she smiles.

This girl has got me wrapped around her finger and there's nothing I can do about it. I don't want to do anything about it.

This is kinda boring. I'm sorry :(

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