Chapter 7

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"If it makes you feel any better you totally kicked his ass." Rachel says as I shove my books in my locker. I chuckle a little bit.

"Yeah well it's been two days and she hasn't even looked at me." I mutter.

"Go talk to her." She says morning towards her locker where she was shoving her books in her locker just like I was.

"I don't think that's a good idea." I says doubtfully.

"Come on. How are you supposed to take her from Alex if you don't talk to her."

"That's true but she doesn't want me Rachel." I mutter feeling completely defeated.

"What do you mean? Every girl in this school wants you. Except for me." She says with a giggle.

"Really?" I ask scrunching my nose up and furrowing my brows.

"Yeah. You're totally hotter than Alex." She says looking over her shoulder at Ariel. "Go now." She says grabbing my wrist and shoving me.

I groan and tighten my grip on the straps of my back pack. I'll just apologize. That's all I have to do.

"Ariel." I say quietly as I approach her. She rolls her eyes and walks the other way.

"Hey I just wanna talk." I say speeding up and catching up to her.

"Are you sure you don't want to beat up my boyfriend again?" She says sarcastically.

"Listen. The way he treated you just made me mad okay." I argue. She stops in her tracks and stares at me.

"Why were you there anyway?" She ask raising an eyebrow. I don't answer and she continues. "You need to stop spying on us Ethan. I know you're my best friend but Alex and I are none of your business." She says angrily.

"It's my business when he's treating you the way he was." I argue.

"I can take care of myself." She says right before she walks away. This time I don't stop her. I just let her go.

"Try again tomorrow." I hear Rachel say behind me. I furrow my eyebrows confused and she takes the hint and explains. "Girls like it when guys show they care." She says raising her eyebrow.

"Noted." I say as I follow Rachel out of the building.


"I can't believe you beat the shit out of Alex." Grayson says as he searches through the fridge.

"You should've seen the way he was treating her bro. It was disgusting." I mutter sipping from my coke.

"Doesn't surprise me." Grayson says popping open his own coke.

"She won't talk to me now." I mutter looking down at my drink.

"Is she really mad?" Grayson ask raising his eyebrows. I just nod and he shakes his head. "Why is she with him?" He ask confused.

"I've been asking that question ever since they started dating." I say still looking at the Coke in my hands.

"Just relax bro. I'm sure you'll figure it out." He says standing up straight.

"What if I don't?" I ask looking up at him.

"You will. She'll see one day." Grayson says patting my back and heading upstairs to his room.

What if he's wrong? What if she never ever figures out that I'd treat her better than he does?

Hell at this point I don't even care if she leaves him for me. I just want her to leave him. I want her to be happy. It's been so long since I've seen her happy and it eats away at my heart every time I see her.

Short chapter

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