Chapter 3

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"Bro. Ariel's here." Grayson says shaking me awake. I rub my eyes and sigh.

"Is she okay?" I ask referring to last night. Of course I told him about it. I tell him everything it seems like.

"She doesn't look like it but she hasn't looked okay in 4 months." I run my hands through my hair because I know he's right. She just hasn't seemed herself at all these past few months. "I'll let her know you're coming." He says patting my leg and then standing up from my bed.

"No actually send her up." I say as I step out of bed and throw some sweats and a t-shirt on. He nods at me and heads back down stairs.

Within a few minutes I hear a light knock on my door from behind me. She always does that. I don't know why but she's always done it. Probably to get my attention.

I turn around and flash her a soft smile and she takes that as an invitation to come in and plops down on my bed and lays back letting her long brown hair fan out across the mattress. I chuckle at her and lay next her like I've always done when she's stressed. We lay staring at the ceiling and I don't dare say anything yet. She'll talk when she's ready.

"We don't hang out much anymore." She says Breaking the comfortable silence.

"I know." I say flatly not quite sure of what to say.

"I miss you." She says turning her head to look at me. A small smile creeps on to my face and I turn towards her.

"I miss you too." And She has no clue just how true that statement is. I miss having movie nights with her for no reason other than she wanted to be with me and I wanted to be with her. I miss her coming home with me after school and not Alex. I miss playing Mario cart with her and Grayson. There's so many things that's been taken away from me because of that low life Alex.

We fall silent again and she lets out a a deep breath. "Are you okay?" I finally ask referring to last night.

"Yeah. I'm fine." She mutters looking at the ceiling still.

"I can tell you're lying." I chuckle a little to lighten the mood. She chuckles a little with me and her face falls back to its serious position.

"I'm okay. Really I am. Alex called me this morning and apologized about last night and said he got so angry just because of the alcohol. It's fine." She says sitting up and running her hand through her hair. She was cute when she was trying to convince someone of something but that didn't matter because she was lying to me. She never lies to me. She's never ever lied to me because she knows she could tell me anything.

"So he apologized?" I ask prodding even more at the issue.

"Yeah he called this morning." She said now glancing at me as I remain laid on the bed.

I sit up and I look her in the eyes. "What he did isn't something he should do. Like it's not normal for a guy to treat his girlfriend like that." I mumble.

"It was just the alcohol Ethan. He's never like that." She mutters and plays with her hands. Another lie.

"Something tells me that that's a lie." I say pointing out the fact that I can read her like a book. "Has he hit you?" I blurt out. It's something I've always wanted to know. A question that's always sat at the back of my mind. The way she seemed so scared last night made me think it was true.

"Oh my god Ethan." She says and stands from the bed.

"What?" I ask not sure of what I did wrong.

"I can't believe you're acusing my boyfriend of hitting me!" She says raising her voice a little.

"Ariel, it was just a question." I say mimicking her tone.

"A fucked up one." She says turning and making her way out of my bedroom door. I hear her stomp down the stairs and I soon hear the front door open and slam shut. I pushed too far. I should've taken it slow. Now I'll never truly know why she's with him and I'll never be able to show her that I'm here for her.

"What happened?" Grayson asked frantically from my doorway.

"I just asked a question." I say throwing my hands up in frustration.

"What'd you ask?" He ask making his way into my room and sitting on the bed next to me.

"I just asked her if he's like ever treated her like he did last night and if he Uh has ever hit her." I mutter playing with my fingers.

"Bro. You should've eased into it." Grayson says patting my back.

"I need to know Grayson. If he's ever laid a hand on her I swear to god I'll ki-"

"I know E. I know." Grayson says rubbing my back to try and get me to calm down. "I promise we'll figure it out." Grayson says.

It's so weird that Ariel is my best friend and I know nothing about her relationship. She's never talked about any dates or anything they've ever done. The last thing I ever heard about Alex was that fact that she had a huge crush on him.

"Don't you think it's weird that she never talks about him?" I ask Grayson. His eyebrows furrow as he realizes I made a valid point.

"Yeah that is weird. She always talks about that kind of stuff with us." He says glancing at me.

"Something's wrong Gray." I mutter. "It's my job to find out." All he does is remain silent next to me and I enjoy the silence as I try and wrap my mind around everything.

This is trash. I'm sorry.

But if you want to request Anything I have a book that I'm gonna fill with little imagines.

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