Chapter 19

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Ethan's POV:

Yeah Ariel and I had sex yesterday but I hope it's not awkward. Maybe now that she knows I like her we can be together. I just don't want to ask her yet because she broke up with her boyfriend not too long ago.

I sling my book bag over my shoulder and head downstairs to see Grayson has already left. Typical. He always leaves before me.

I grab my keys and walk out to my car. Gosh it's cold. I hurry to my car and start it up.

The whole ride to school I was practically speeding because I couldn't wait to get to school to see Ariel. She said she's coming today so this time I'll actually see her.

As I pull into the school parking lot I go straight to my usual spot. I quickly grab my bag out of the back seat and hop out of my Jeep.

I'm quick to walk into the building because it's cold and I want to see Ariel. I tighten my grip on my bag and shove the big medal doors open to be greeted with loud talking.

I walk through the halls with my head down until I know I'm close to Ariel's locker. I plan on stopping by her locker before going to mine but I stop. My whole body tenses up and my breath gets caught in my throat. There she is but she's not alone. She's far from alone. Alex is there. They're making out as if they never broke up and it makes me wanna vomit and scream at the same time.

"Ariel.." I choke out as I step a couple steps closer. They pull away from each other and she sees me and it seems like she thinks nothing is wrong. Like it's fine that she's making out with Alex right in front of me. "What the hell are you doing?" I ask angry with my hands balled up in fists. "Well Alex and I are gonna give our relationship another shot." She says patting Alex's chest. My blood boils at this.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I ask dumbfounded. "It's not like you're my boyfriend Eth." "We fucking slept together. Did that not mean anything to you?" I ask now screaming as tears threaten to spill from my eyes and the whole hallway freezes at my statement. Ariel looks around at everyone staring at us and then looks back at me, "Eth.." "No. Don't call me that." I say through clenched teeth. "You're even more blind than I thought." I mutter as I turn around to make my way back out of the school.

Right when I thought she was mine, she wasn't. She'll always be his rather I like it or not. It's all because she's too god damn blind to see that I would treat her better and that he's an ass.

As I get to my car I kick it out of frustration and scream not caring who stared. Tears are streaming down my face and I'm red with anger. After I'm done kicking my car I climb into the drivers seat and as soon as the I close the door I bunch over the steering wheel and cry. I cry harder than I ever have before not caring what anyone else thinks.

Ariel's POV:

"Hey Ariel." I hear from behind me as I close my locker. I turn around and see Alex. I'm quick to tighten my grip on my books and try and walk away but he catches me before I do. "Just listen to me." He mutters with a soft kind voice. The voice that I fell in love with. This is the Alex that I love so much. He was my first love.

My heart begins to race as he speaks. "I just want to say I'm sorry and I know you'll never ever forgive me but I miss you so god damn much." He says running his hand through his hair. "I know you didn't deserve anything I did and that you've probably found someone better or you've moved on but I want you. I want you back." He stammers and with that I freeze. My heart wants him back even though my brains telling me it's a bad idea. Ethan. Ethan and I slept together and he's the sweetest guy I know and I have feelings for him but I love Alex. Alex is my first love and I think I'd do anything to have him back to the way he was when I first fell for him. This is the Alex that I fell for. This is my chance to have him back. "I miss you too." I blurt. His eyes widen at the same time mine do. We both didn't expect me to say that.

"Really?" He ask shocked. I just nod and he leans in. It's a harsh kiss. Nothing like mine and Ethan's but all I'm worried about is Alex now. That is until I hear Ethan. He says my name causing Alex and I to pull back.

He ask what I'm doing and I know he's hurt. I can tell. I tell him Alex and I are getting back together and he blows a fuse. "We fucking slept together. Did that not mean anything to you?" He ask me raising his voice so the whole hallway can hear and I become humiliated now that everyone knows we slept together. I sink against my locker and look at all the stares. Ethan's wrong. Us sleeping together did mean something. It was amazing it's just Alex is back to the way he was and Ethan will never ever understand the way I'm feeling right now.

Ethan storms off. He's not even gonna stay for the school day. "What an idiot." Alex mutters and my heart breaks. Ethan's gone. He'll never speak to me again. "He's not an idiot." I correct Alex. Alex just shrugs and kisses me on the cheek before he heads off to his first class.

I on the other hand grab my bag back out of my locker and swing it over my shoulder. I can't be here. I walk out of the school and begin to walk home. I don't live too far I'll be fine. Anything's better than staying in that school any longer. I have to go to Ethan's. I have to make this right. I have to get my best friend back.

You guys probably hate me now but oh well.

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