Chapter 2

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"So are you coming Friday?" I ask Ariel for the second time today.

"Oh yeah. I'll have to uh talk to Alex." She stammers as we make our way to her locker. I hate how she has to ask him about everything before she does it. It's ridiculous.

"He can come with." I say with a fake smile plastered on my face.

"Really?" She ask shocked. I think she's shocked by my statement because I think she some what knows that I hate her boyfriends guts. I've never told her that though. Maybe I make that obvious or she just knows me way too well.

"I'll text you later." I say quickly as I see Alex making his way up to her locker. She nods with a smile that I hardly ever see anymore and I turn to make my way out to my Jeep that sits in its usual parking spot.

The whole ride home I think about how awkward things are between me and Ariel lately. We used to be so close. It's like Alex is blocking her off from the rest of the world. Blocking her off from me.

She used to be so energetic and bubbly now she's calm and seems distracted all the time. He's completely changed her. I'm determined to figure out what's going on. Maybe once I find out I'll be able to convince her to leave him. Who am I kidding she'll never leave him especially for someone like me.


"Bro did you get the keg?" Grayson ask walking into the kitchen where I'm setting up the snacks and other drinks.

"Backyard." I mumble and he shoots me a thumbs up and heads for the back yard. Probably to make sure I didn't fuck anything up.

Next thing I know the whole house is filled with loud thumping music and sweaty teenagers. God I hate parties but it gives me a reason to spy on Ariel with Alex.

Maybe I shouldn't be trying to spy on them. It's weird. But I mean I do have to figure out if she's okay. She is my best friend.

I begin to walk around in search for Ariel and I have yet to find her. Damn it. Where is she?

I give up looking for her as I approach an intense game of beer pong. Of course Grayson's playing. He's always the one to get involved at parties while I just stand away from everyone.

I laugh at all the competitive comments being shouted back and forth and make my way towards the keg. I grab a red cup and begin to fill it. "Mind filling me up a cup?" I hear a voice from behind me.

I turn with my full cup to see Ariel. I flash her a smile. "I thought you didn't like drinking?" I tease her as I grab another cup and begin to fill it.

"I don't." She says with a shrug as I hand her her cup.

"So why start now?" I ask over the loud music. This isn't like her. She would never ask me for a drink. She'd even turn down drinks when we'd go to parties together.

"I don't know. I just feel like letting loose." She says with a slight chuckle. Her smile makes a small smile form on my lips. And then he pops into the back of my mind.

"Where's Alex?" I ask the million dollar question.

"Oh he's inside talking to some of his guy friends. I should probably get back now that you mention it." She says pointing towards my house.

"Oh uh. I'll see you around." I say with an awkward wave. As she walks away I mentally slap myself across the face for not making her stay with me. God I'm so stupid. I down my whole cup and then fill it up again.

I get bored of the beer pong games and make my way back into the house where the musics louder and the smell of alcohol is more intense. God my head is gonna kill me tomorrow.

"Hey bro your girls over there." Grayson says stopping me and pointing towards a corner in the living room. I follow his finger and I see her. She's talking to Alex with a cup in her hand. He's super close to her. Maybe only a few inches.

As I'm watching I'm taking in everything about him. He's tense. Maybe even angry. Next thing you know his hand flies into the air and I can tell he's raising his voice now. Raising his voice at Ariel. My blood boils.

Several heads turn to look at Ariel and Alex. Ariel stands frozen like she always does when she's scared or humiliated. I begin to shove through everyone to get to her. I have to make sure she's okay.

As I step into the clearing where she was I realize she's gone. I let out a loud breath and look at Alex. He's laughing with his guy friends not even worried about how his girlfriend just ran off. Not to mention she's drunk.

I begin to frantically shove past people looking for Ariel.

I let out a frustrated breath as I step out the front door of my house and the cool air takes over me. That's when I see her. Heels in her hand, shuddering shoulders, and a hung head. Shit.

I run after her. "Are you okay?" I ask as I catch up to her.

"I'm fine E. I'm just not feeling that well. I'm gonna go home." She says as she points towards her house across the street.

"Let me walk you and you can tell me what's wrong later." She just nods in response and I place my hand on the small of her back. I lead her all the way to her house and I make sure she gets in okay.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow. Call me if you need me." I say as I slowly back away from her door. She sends me a nod and I flash her a soft smile.  

I always tell her to call me if she needs me. I've told her that ever since we were in middle school. This time I meant it. This time I wanted her to call me in middle of the night. I wanted her to need me.

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