Chapter 16

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Ariel's POV:

As we pulled up to the club my nerves were kicking in. "How do you plan on getting us in?" I ask Breaking the silence in hopes to calm myself down.

"I know the bouncer. He's friends with my dad." Of course she's knows him. She tends to know everyone. "Let's go." She says hopping out of the car. I follow her all the way up to the front of the line. People were pissed but Rachel ignores them. "Hey Brodie!" She says with a big smile to the bouncer. He smiles at her and motions for her to walk in. God, that was easy.

"How about some drinks." She says with a smirk. "One of us has to drive home." I say raising my eyebrows and shouting over the loud thumping music. "I meant drinks for you." She says with a grin grabbing my wrist and leading me to the bar.

As we reach the bar the bartender smirks at us and makes me uncomfortable but Rachel takes it to her advantage. "Two shots please." She says with a grin. He winks at her and makes the drinks and then hands them to us. "On the house." He says with a bright smile. Rachel looks at me with a grin telling me to drink them. I shake my head and throw the first one back. It burns my through but I don't care as I pick up the other one and throw it back too.

Without us asking the bartender brings us two more. "Why not?" I say with a shrug smirking at Rachel. I throw them back too and look over at the dance floor. So many people. So many guys. "Let's dance." I blurt. Rachel shrugs and leads me to the dance floor.

The music is thumping through my body and the alcohol is allowing me to let loose as I swing my hips and whip my hair around. "Since when did you get so fun?" Rachel jokes over the loud music. "Now!" I shout throwing my hands up and continuing to dance.

"I actually wouldn't mind another drink I'll be back." I mutter to Rachel making my way back to the bar. As I get to the bar the bartender has a smug smirk on his face. "Another?" I just nod and take the shot he sits in front of me and muttering a quick thank you as I go to make my way back to the dance floor.

As I turn I run into a hard chest and I look up to see a guy that seems to be in college. He's got dark hair just like Ethan. God Ariel you have to forget about Ethan. I shake away the thought of Ethan. "Let's dance." I say with a slight slur. He smirks at me and follows me back to the dance floor.

I press my back side into him and move to the music. I hear a faint groan from him telling me he likes it so I continue.

Rachel's POV:

I find Ariel and there she is dancing with some guy I've never seen. She seems to be having fun so I go and sit and watch her from a distance.

If Ethan was here right now he'd hate this. He'd hate to see her dressed like this, up against a guy she just met. I let out a sigh as a guy walks up to me. He's cute. He sits next to me and a small conversation sparks up but I can't help but steal glances at Ariel every once in a while. "She your friend?" The man ask sipping his beer. I mutter a yeah. "Break up?" He ask already knowing she's drunk off her ass. "You have no idea." I say and then glance back at Ariel to see her lips locked with the mysterious guys and her hands rubbing through his dark hair that somewhat resembles Ethan's.

Ariel's POV:

Not gonna lie I have no idea why I'm kissing him. Part of me thinks it's Ethan because of my drunken state but the other part knows it's not so I pull away. "We should s-stop." I say out of breath.

"How about we get out of here?" He ask with smirk and I immediately shake my head no. I don't want to go with him. I want to go home to Ethan. "Come on it'll be fun." He mutters grabbing my wrist and starting to lead my through the crowd of people. I try to pull away but he's too strong. I look around frantically for Rachel but of course I can't find her. "Wait!" I shout to the guy that I still don't know the name of. He turns around annoyed. "I need to use the restroom first." I mutter trying to get away from him. "Hurry." He says rolling his eyes.

I quickly make my way to the bathroom and swing the door open and it reeks of vomit and cheap perfume. There's a couple of girls fixing their makeup at the sink and I make my way to the big stall and lock it quickly.

I lean up against the wall with a hiccup and pull out my phone from my clutch. I pull out my phone and pull up Ethan's contact to send him a text but I can't type so I change my plan to calling him. I'm frantic. Tears are threatening to spill from my eyes.

Soon the ringing stops and there's a click on the other end. "Hello." I ethan Ethan say lowly and I can hear the confusion in his voice.

"E-Ethan can you come pick me up?" I says with a hiccup interrupting me halfway through my sentence. "Are you drunk?" "I'm in the bathroom hiding away from a guy.  He won't leave me alone. Please Eth." I say slurring and hopping he can understand me. "I'll be there in a minute just tell me where you're at." Shit what's the name of this club? My drunken state isn't allowing me to remember anything and just like that tears fall from my eyes. "I-I don't know. It's the new club in town." I mutter with sobs escaping my mouth. "I'm so scared eth." "Hey Hey. Calm down. I'm gonna stay on the phone okay?" I just nod even though he can't see me.

I hear his car start up and it makes me calm down slightly. "Stay where you are." Ethan says and again I nod. I can hear Ethan's breathing on the other end and it calms me. "I'm almost there." He mutters quickly into the phone and I nod. "Okay I'm right outside." "Okay I'm coming." I say hanging up and unlocking the stall hesitantly. I step out of the stall and no ones in here. Thank god.

As I reach for the door of the bathroom it flies open. "Let's go!" The guy from earlier yells and grabbing me and leading me through the crowd. "Stop!" I shout as we make our way to the door of the club.

As we step outside I continue to struggle against his grasp. "Leave her alone." I hear from the left of us. Ethan. The guy stops in his tracks and loosens his grip on me a little. I take this as an opportunity to jerk my wrist back and run towards Ethan trying to desperately keep my balance. Ethan opens his arms and I stumble into them. The guy groans. "What the fuck." He shouts. "Leave." Ethan says with clenched teeth. God he's hot when he's mad.

"Can I go home now?" I slur. "Yeah but you're coming home with me." I just nod as he helps me into the car and buckled my seatbelt for me after I fumble with it for a solid 5 minutes. "God you're gonna have such a head ache tomorrow." He mutters as he starts the car. I just giggle and look out the window and throw my head back against the seat.

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