Wait, is that..

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I read a ym oneshot where chim did a live and got ill in the middle of it and yoongi had to take care of him so....
Top!jimin (* screams in finally *)


Taehyung giggles as he and Hoseok went to the latter's room to get his phone. The duo didn't know why, but they suddenly are in the mood to do a live for their precious ARMYs.

And since the idea came out of literally nowhere, they have no plan on what to do to entertain the fans. I mean- they're in the middle of a break. No promotions or upcoming comeback whatsoever. So like, what the hell are they going to talk about, right?

So they decided the most ridiculous thing on the world; have a tour of the whole dorm. So I'd say rest in peace for Bangtan's privacy, because these two had no shame at all. They would literally expose every nook and cranny of their dorm.

"Hyung, faster!" Taehyung says excitedly. He doesn't know why he feels super excited right now, but he's totally excited to do the live. "Gosh, Taehyungie, wait up." Hoseok chuckles as he reached for his phone and the selfie stick. He adjusts the camera angle for a moment. He turns to look at the younger, "You ready, TaeTae?" He asks, earning an excited, eager nod from the said male.

Hoseok clicks the button, and the live starts.

Like a wave of an ocean, ARMYs immediately started swarming over to watch the live as soon as they got the notification. "Okay, okay they're here." Hoseok informs, and Taehyung moves to show himself in the camera. "They're coming fast!" The younger smiles widely. They both read the comments of their fans.

Each one was mostly composed of 'OMG HOBIIIIII' 'taetae why so cute???? ㅠㅠ' 'I LOVE YOU' '😍😍😍😍😍' 'say hello to (insert country name)' 'where is jungkook' 'omg vhopeeeeee' 'are you guys boyfriends' and other more.

"We will start when we have ten thousand viewers." Hoseok tells the ARMYs, in which Taehyung agreed to. They voiced out some of the comments while giggling until they finally had 10K viewers.

"Hyung, let's start now!" Taehyung pleads, tugging on Hoseok's shirt. He didn't let the older answer and immediately speaks up again. "So everyone, you know what we're gonna do? You all wanna know what Hoseok hyung and I will be doing, huh?" He giggles.

Every ARMY seemed to have a heart attack at Taehyung and Hoseok's giggles judging from the comment section.

"Well, Taehyung and I were bored so," Hoseok continues but looked at Taehyung, expecting him to declare their plan. "We will give our ARMYs a tour of our dorm!" Taehyung nearly screams enthusiastically, showing his boxy smile after.

The comment section exploded with excitement and some 'I LOVE YOU's from the fans outside Korea who didn't understood what Taehyung just said.

"Okay, okay where do we start? Do we start at the bathroom? No, wait- someone's using it. Let's start at the kitchen!" Hoseok rambles and the two rushes to the said room.

They started the tour as soon as they reached the kitchen, going into even the tiniest details ("And look, we even have new chopsticks!" "We have this cute figurine I saw in the mall yesterday! I just can't help but buy it.") that no one would probably say in a normal tour.

(They had to cover the camera since it almost showed a half-naked Jungkook who just came out from the bathroom. Thousands of ARMYs would probably have a heart attack if they saw the maknae's body.)

Taehyung whispers to Hoseok, "Let's invade the other member's rooms." which was loud enough to be heard by the ARMYs. Hoseok agrees excitedly, grabbing the younger by the wrist and pulling him to his and Jimin's room first. "Everyone, welcome to my room! And also Jiminie's." Hoseok announces, raising his arms, moving the camera around to get a full view of the room.

Taehyung jumps on one of the beds and unashamedly messed the carefully fixed mattress. "Wow, Kim Taehyung. Way to mess my bed." Hoseok pouts, before jumping in as well to tickle the said male. Taehyung bursts in a fit of laughter, tears pricking in the corner of his eyes. He tries to stop the older by saying a few 'I'm sorry's which was cut off by his laughs. They nearly forgot about the live but fortunately Taehyung saw the camera pointing at them from his peripheral vision.

"Hyung, we're-hahaha- still on a-pfft- live. HYUNG!" Taehyung managed to make out, making Hoseok stop with wide eyes, before laughing at his stupidity and taking the forgotten phone back to his grasp. "I almost forgot, sorry ARMYs!"

They continued on with their "tour", showing the living room, R&V's room, -finally- the bathroom, even the hallway.

Taehyung and Hoseok went to their next target, Seokjin and Yoongi's room. Hoseok abruptly stops in front of the door, making Taehyung stop as well. The elder shushed the younger male off. Hoseok faces the silver-haired male, "Taehyung-ah, be quiet. Yoongi-hyung might be asleep." He whispers.

The younger bit back his chuckle and nodded. They silently opened the door to the eldests' room. All the ARMYs could see are the okay-we-need-to-get-out-of-here face of both the sunshine males so everyone thought Yoongi really was asleep in there.

Hoseok purses his lips into a thin line, his face screaming, 'oh shit' before closing the door(he didn't realized that he didn't fully closed the door), not saying anything. Both he and Taehyung turned around, slowly stepping away from the room. The comments section was exploding. Hoseok couldn't read anything because it was going so fast. The only thing he could read properly was, "Wait, is that-" but before he could read it fully, many others came through.


After the live has finished, something went trending on twitter, made by our handful ARMYs.


You have probably guessed why, but if you don't, well, let me enlighten you.


Many ARMYs have great, amazing eyes. So amazing that they can see even the smallest details in a matter of seconds. Like when Namjoon edited his photo so the brand of his non-PUMA shoes won't be seen.

And this time, they saw something incredible.

When Taehyung and Hoseok turned around, they saw it. The reason why the duo didn't bothered to enter the room. They can see it clearly; Jimin was there, with his eye-catching blonde hair, sitting down comfortably on the queen-sized bed, checking something on his phone.

And Yoongi was also there, you can't possibly mistake him as someone else, even if  it was slightly blurred, considering his striking white hair, -especially with the dark wallpaper around the room- sleeping. But not just sleeping. Head on the other's chest, his arms and legs wrapped naturally around the younger blonde, as if it was something they do normally.

Jimin's free hand went to rest on the other's head, softly stroking the strands of his hair.
An eagle-eyed ARMY caught that swiftly, commenting about it in the live, "OH MY GOSH YOONGI AND JIMIN SHDKSHDLA" which was read by another fan, and commented about it as well, until everyone knew about it and hyped about it.

"Wait, is that Yoongi and Jimin cuddling?!"


(comment next lyrics pls lmao)

Im sorry for the lameass ending 😂😂
This had been more like a vhope shit but nahh :/ still yoonmin

I made this as relatable as possible so i expect those comments coming my dear readers

Im thinking of adding a part two to this but idrk

Thanks for reading! And stay healthy! And drink lots of water! Eat lots of food! Smile always! Love yourself!

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