Slap on the face

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Idk if someone waited for this, but this is the part two of the second oneshot: Notes!

Enjoy reading!

(To everyone who saw the written tagalog summary, pretend you never saw it . that was so embarrassing)

For a week, -yes, a week, seven days- Yoongi never saw Jimin again. The latter seemed to be ignoring him, because there's no fucking way Jimin would coincidentally be sick for a whole week. Maybe it's like one of those stupid, cliché movies and stories where if Jimin saw him, he would immediately run away, so Yoongi wouldn't catch him. Yoongi took a deep sigh.

Yoongi played his food with a fork, poking it boredly. He doesn't know why he bothered on getting food when he knows he doesn't have any appetite since the incident with Jimin. He stood up, leaving his tray of food on the table, not caring if the workers would get angry at him.

He entered his next class, though there are not much people around, just a girl listening to music near the window and those two bestfriends talking about something Yoongi doesn't bother to know what. He sat at the random seat in the third row, laying his head on top of his hands, which was resting on the table. He doesn't look up when he heard the door open, who cares about who enters the room anyways?

"Yoongi?" He heard a quiet voice call out to him. He clicked his tongue, groaning as he lifted his head, "What?" There stood his beast friend- I mean, best friend, Taehyung, looking at him sternly.

"Are you gonna keep doing that?" Taehyung asked, which made Yoongi confused. What the fuck is he talking about? "What do you mean?" He sat up properly. Taehyung repeats his question. "Are you gonna keep doing that? Are you gonna keep denying your feelings? Are you still refusing to believe that you love Jimin?" Yoongi stopped.

"What do you mean by I love Jimin?" He asked. "Oh my god." Taehyung muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes. "Hyung, you can't possibly say that I know you more than you know yourself,"

"You've been blank for a whole week, and there's only one possible reason. You got worse right when Jimin left you. Oh, and why did Jimin leave Min Yoongi? Oh right, because that Min Yoongi is a jerk." Every word Tarhyung said is like a harsh slap on Yoongi's face. "What did you even tell Jimin for him to leave, hyung? Because Jimin is a fucking mess right now, just like you. And I'm slowly getting frustrated at the both of you pining over each other and you know that Kim Taehyung is not a man of dramas! Did you know how rarely Jimin eats? You don't right-"

Yoongi's ears stopped listening at Taehyung's paragraph as he zones out, eyes wide. Jimin rarely eats? Yoongi can't imagine Jimin becoming thin and bony, because of him.

He abruptly stood up, taking shallow breaths, "Where is Jimin," he pants. "Please, Tae." His heart is racing so fast in worry and concern. Taehyung pursed his lips before answering, "He's at the rooftop, probably." He said, tilting his head to the door, signalling Yoongi to go approach the poor male already.

Yoongi didn't need to be told twice.

He dashed out off the room, not caring if he's practically going to skip class. Jimin is more important than his stupid education. He pushed his way out of the huge crowd on the hallway, trying his best to go to the rooftop as soon as possible. And as soon as he did, he looked around, trying to get a glance of a certain mop of Jimin's usual red hair.

But instead, he saw a thin male with shockingly ginger-colored hair. I-Is that Jimin? Yoongi called out the younger male's name, which made Jimin turn around, with his small eyes wide open. Holy shit.

Has Park Jimin always been this beautiful?

Yoongi's eyes stared from Jimin's soft hair which fell from his shocked, pretty eyes, his cute, little nose, and those plump lips that has stood out many times. But of course, Yoongi can differentiate everything that has changed on the male's appearance.

Jimin's eyes looked shallow, dark bags under them as if he hasn't slept for a couple of days. His usual chubby cheeks were missing, his face looking smaller without it. And his lips loss its beautiful tint of carnation pink, replaced by a light shade of bluish-purple, probably from the cold. And those were just from the face.

Jimin's body is obviously thinner, bones jutting out wherever you look. His beatiful tan skin is paler. And it's not even a healthy kind of pale, Jimin looked sickly pale. Yoongi tears up at the sight, before slowly approaching Jimin with shaky hands and sweaty palms.


"Hyung?" Jimin asked quietly, Yoongi could barely even hear him. The younger male backed up a little, taking slow steps backwards, wanting to get as far from Yoongi as possible. He can't let the older male see him like this. He looks horrible, and disgusting, and pathetic, and- Is Yoongi tearing up? Oh my gosh, he's probably pitying Jimin's awful state. Please don't look at me like that. Please leave me alone. Please go. Please please please-

"I'm sorry." The younger looked up at Yoongi, staring at him in disbelief. "I'm so so sorry, Jimin." Yoongi started crying, which eventually made Jimin panick. The latter inched nearer, "Yoongi hyung, Why-" Jimin was cut off as Yoongi continued speaking.

"I'm sorry that I've been such a jerk towards you, I'm sorry that I was so inconsiderate at your feelings, I'm sorry for everything, really. I know you won't forgive me yet, but please accept my apology at least," Tears won't stop pouring out of Yoongi's eyes, and Jimin started tearing up at the sight of the older's broken state. "Please.."

With a hesitating hand, Jimin stretched his hand out to Yoongi's cheek, touching it gently. "Hyung," Jimin could see Yoongi bite his inner cheeks, looking everywhere but at Jimin. The ginger-haired male softly wiped the older's tears away, taking a step nearer. "It's okay, I forgive you."

This time, Yoongi stared right on Jimin's eyes. The latter was shocked once again as his hyung suddenly lets out a loud sob, placing his hands over his mouth as if to stop himself from getting any louder, unfortunately failing to do so. "H-How," Yoongi sniffled, "How can you forgive me so easily? I've been s-so rude to you, I d-don't de-" The older stopped when he suddenly felt Jimin's arms around him.

"Don't speak, hyung." Jimin shushed the older as he softly caressed Yoongi's back, in hopes that it would soothe down his hyung. "I forgive you, okay hyung? That's what matters." He smiled as he felt Yoongi's arms wrap around him, hugging him back tightly.


Yoongi smiled in relief, his tears still pouring to his cheeks. "Thank you, Jiminie." He said gratefully as he hid himself on the crook between Jimin's shoulder and neck, silently hoping that "This isn't a dream."

But as he felt Jimin's hand go down to his waist, squeezing it softly, and his other hand ruffling his hair gently and slowly, whispering, "Thank you, too, hyung." All Yoongi thought was, yep, this isn't a dream.


What the fuck i cant believe i managed to finish this after 92489274 years 😂😂 thank you to everyone who waited!!

But whoooops it's still not over, i think i might make a part three 😂😂😂 sorry

I'm actually at mcdonalds rn anddd i just bought to face masks of mediheal x bts 😂😂😂 sadly we cant buy the other two boxes that wILL GIVE US THE,,, ability to,, have the bLACK BOX 😭 but its okay

P.S im still fucked over euphoria... ive read tons of theories, but theres like only one theory ill believe in to keep me focused 😂

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